Committee/Council Details

As a VUH nurse, we encourage you to participate in committees and share your voice! The VUH-wide committees noted below help shape our culture and practice through collaboration and collective knowledge sharing. We encourage you not only to join a committee, but to actively participate, contribute your unique perspective, and bring the knowledge you gain back to your peers in your individual work areas. We value different opinions, innovative ideas, and a collaborative attitude. Committee membership is an opportunity to become more involved in the decisions that affect your work. Each committee has representation including executive nursing leaders, unit or area managers, local content experts, and other various roles. Please work with your unit or area leader to determine if there is a committee that will work for you and your team so you can help us improve!



picShared Governance Committee
picEBP and Nursing Research Committee


picAdult Enterprise Patient Education Committee (APEC)
picAdult Medication Use Safety Improvement Committee (MUSIC)
picClinical Practice Committee
picFalls Prevention Committee
picNurse Informatics Committee
picNursing Performance Improvement (NPIC)
picNurse Retention Committee
picWorkplace Violence Prevention Committee



picNursing Across
Vanderbilt University 
Medical Center

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