May 2023 VUH Healthcare Heroes

  • Nurse Leader of the Quarter: Janice Sisco, Nurse Manager 4RW & 7S Obs - From Janice’s nomination: On January 3, 2023, Janice Sisco called me at home to go over some minor Kronos issues. As we were talking, I began to feel very woozy and was not able to focus. I let her know that I did not feel ok. I thought I spoke all of that but she was not able to hear me fully. Janice than heard my dog barking, as she explained, like she never heard a dog bark before. She then says to herself "did she just say she's not ok". She began calling my name with no response. She immediately hung up the phone, called 911. Unfortunately, at the time she did not have my address on hand and had to hang up from them to search my address. Once locating my address, she called 911 back and had to be transferred to Robertson Count 911, which is the county I live in. After explaining the event to dispatch, she then called me back. I was still unresponsive and Janice continued to call me back until I answered. I was able to come through, and finally answered my phone. While on the phone Janice remained calm and let me know that EMS was on the way. I was feeling faint again and again I passed out. Janice never hung up the phone. I came through and she was there instructing me what I needed to do. I was frantic and she was able to be very soothing with her instructions. Passing out yet one more time before EMS was there I came through in the worst panic. I was feeling like I was going to be sick and I just knew I was not going to make it. Janice instructed me to lay on my side. I then hear EMS banging on my door. I start screaming that I need help and that I'm here. Janice, still calm and helping with every word instructed me to crawl to the door because it was locked. Keeping her on the phone the entire time, I was able to make it to the door and EMS then took over. I handed EMS my phone and Janice was able to give detailed descriptions of the events of the morning. I was rushed to the hospital, where eventually my heart stopped and I became completely unresponsive. Fortunately, everyone worked very quickly and I am here today. The medical team at the hospital that I was taken to said that they essentially did the medical procedures to help me but the person I was talking to on the phone, their quickness, calmness and instructions is essentially what saved my life day. So to Janice Sisco, I say thank you for being there, acting quickly and remaining calm during my storm.
  • Nurse of the Quarter: Kathleen Belden, VUH Emergency Department - From Kathleen’s nomination: This was a patient comment that was sent to us from 9/11/2022. There was a patient that came from clinic to the ED with critical lab results. Kathleen took the call from the transfer center. The ED was on critical capacity for several days with multiple boarded patients. Inpatient capacity was purple. Kathleen went above and beyond to make a space to help keep this patient safe and cared for. When the patient arrived, Kathleen continued to check in with the patient and keep the family up to date. They were very scared and she was a friendly face for them. Every time Kathleen is a shift leader, she puts detailed gratitude for staff that went above and beyond. She makes sure they feel appreciated for the hard work that they endure on a busy shift. She even further and has sent individual emails to staff thanking them for what they do. She also notifies me when special thanks needs to be given. She is very respected from staff.
  • Ancillary Staff Member of the Quarter: Johnny Wedderburn, Occupational Therapist - From Johnny’s nomination: I have had many patients rave about Johnny, however a patient recently told me that Johnny was willing to spend more time in his room than any other team member and made him feel truly special and heard; He is a perfectionist and he will not leave a patient until everything is perfect. I have watched him detangle and braid a patient's hair that had essentially turned into a nest after being in the ICU for an extended period of time -- these seemingly small things are what patients are most grateful for and the things that they remember most about their stay in the hospital. I have never seen Johnny not get a smile out of a patient. Johnny is a strong role model and demonstrates all credo behaviors. However, the most specific behavior to fit is that his patients are his highest priority. He goes above and beyond to make the patients as comfortable as possible, and even helps out the nurses with tasks such as cleaning up or repositioning patients and getting supplies. I specifically remember him staying after he had already clocked out to spend time with a patient who was going through a particularly rough time and had just gone through bilateral amputations. Johnny is one of the only staff members that had made this patient smile. Johnny was with him all throughout his care - from his initial injury to when he had countless surgeries, and to when he was finally fitted for his prosthesis. When I would have this patient as his nurse, he would rave about Johnny, and he would really look forward to working with him each day, no matter how painful the experience may be for him physically. Johnny has a truly special gift and I have never encountered anyone quite like him in my career. He undoubtedly exemplifies every credo behavior and truly embodies what personal and tailored patient care should look like. undeniably deserves this award. Johnny is the backbone of the unit -- all staff members appreciate him more than he could ever know. He is intelligent and pays strong attention to detail. He works with our burn patients in a way that is incomparable. The entire unit would agree that this is the perfect award for him.

VUH Healthcare Hero Past Recipients


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