Blunted PTH response to vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency and colorectal neoplasia risk.


In contrast to many observational studies, large-scale randomized trials do not support the protective role of vitamin D for the prevention of colorectal neoplasia. However, in previous studies, individuals with blunted parathyroid hormone (PTH) response to vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency (BPRVID), were not differentiated from those with high PTH response to vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency (HPRVID). Individuals with BPRVID are responsive to magnesium treatment, particularly treatment of magnesium plus vitamin D while those with HPRVID are responsive to vitamin D treatment. We prospectively compared these two distinct groups (i.e. BPRVID and HPRVID) for risk of incident adenoma, metachronous adenoma, and incident colorectal cancer (CRC) METHODS: Three nested case-control studies in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer (PLCO) Screening Trial.