Core Investigators

  • Ayush Giri, MS, PhD

    Assistant Professor
    Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
    Associate Director
    Center for Women's Health Research
    Institute for Medicine & Public Health
    Office Address
    2525 WE
    2525 West End Ave
    11th Flr, Suite 1150
    Room / Suite
  • Elizabeth Jasper, PhD

    Assistant Professor
    Quantitative and Clinical Sciences; Obstetrics and Gynecology
    Office Address
    2525 West End Ave
    11th floor, Suite 1150
    Room / Suite

    Research Information

    My focus areas are reproductive epidemiology, genetic epidemiology, and women's and maternal-child health. My current research program is designed to discover and understand genetic and environmental risk factors for complex phenotypes, with an emphasis on the perinatal period and developmental origins of health and disease. Specifically, my work focuses on understanding the multigenerational effects of maternal health. My lab leverages large electronic health record databases and linked biorepositories, employing bioinformatic, epidemiologic, and genetic methods, to study common characteristics and complications of pregnancy, including perinatal depression, perineal lacerations following childbirth, and glucose variation throughout pregnancy. My major focus is on gestational weight gain, a potentially modifiable risk factor for adverse outcomes throughout the life course of birthing persons and their children. The goal of my research is to uncover biological mechanisms and identify modifiable risk factors associated with maternal-child health and build off this line of work to translate findings into advances in prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment.

    Active Grants

    5K12AR084232-25 (NIAMS)                                     Velez Edwards and Majors (PIs)                              08/01/2022 - 07/31/2027
    Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women's Health Career Development Program
    The BIRCWH career development program mentors junior faculty members working in the area of sex and gender biology as they transition to research independence in interdisciplinary research career spanning the spectrum from basic science to translational and patient-oriented research to population science. Role: Faculty Scholar

    1P50HD106446-03 (NICHD)                Kannankeril/Velez Edwards (MPIs)                 07/01/2021 - 06/30/2026
    Vanderbilt Integrated Center of Excellence in Maternal and Pediatric Precision Therapeutics (VICE-MPRINT)
    This Center of Excellence proposal leverages our institutional strengths in Precision Medicine and Bioinformatics to address knowledge gaps in pharmacogenomics and neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome using innovative analyses of electronic health datasets. Another major goal is the establishment and dissemination of educational resources to create and sustain a physician-scientist workforce in maternal and pediatric precision therapeutics at the national level through collaboration with the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Role: Co-Investigator.


  • Alexandra Sundermann, MD, PhD

    Assistant Professor
    Division of Quantitative and Clinical Sciences, OBGYN, Center for Women's Health Research
    Office Address
    2525 West End Ave
    11th floor, Suite 1150
    Room / Suite

    Research Information

    Reproductive epidemiology, miscarriage, adverse pregnancy outcomes, fibroids, maternal morbidity

  • Brittney Snyder, PhD

    Assistant Professor
    Division of Quantitative Sciences

    Research Information

    Dr. Snyder is a maternal-child health epidemiologist who is passionate about improving primary prevention and reducing the burden of early-life respiratory diseases, particularly infant respiratory syncytial virus infections and childhood asthma. Her research focuses on in utero and early-life environmental risk factors and biological pathways contributing to the development of childhood respiratory diseases. She utilizes large administrative, prospective cohort, and high-dimensional molecular (genetic, transcriptomic, and metabolomic) data to address fundamental questions about pathways of disease development.

    Active Grants: 

    1. K01 HL161257 (PI: Snyder) "Identifying molecular pathways in childhood asthma pathogenesis by integrating newborn metabolic profiles and GWAS data"


    1. T32 awardee
    2. Vanderbilt Faculty Research Scholars Program awardee
    3. K01 awardee