Once you are logged in to your site, select Site Settings in the black administrative toolbar at the top.
Site Accent Color This color is used in several places on your site. For example, it is the color of links.
Related Sites Sites belonging to a particular department may set the name of their parent department and their web address (if applicable) here. Information set here will appear just below the title of the site.
Patient Site Ideally, all clinical information for patients exists on a separate site as part of VanderbiltHealth.com. If your department has a corresponding patient site like this, place the web address here. By doing so, a “For Patients” link will be added to your site.
Reduce the Site Title Size If your site title wraps, even at large screen sizes, you can adjust the size here. (Almost all site titles will wrap at small screen sizes.)
Site Name This is the title of your site, which is the name of your lab, department, or office. Avoid all caps and abbreviations if possible (e.g., Department of Biochemistry or Hiebert Laboratory). Your site title appears at the top of all pages.
Slogan This is a brief description of what your lab, department, or office does. Search engines use it as teaser text when displaying search results from your site.
E-mail Address The From address in automated e-mails sent during registration and new password requests, and other notifications. (Use an address ending in your site's domain to help prevent this e-mail being flagged as spam.)
Default Access Control Settings for New Pages These settings apply to new pages only. Here you can set the default access for any new type of page you create. Select from everyone, anyone with a VUNetID, or only members of specific groups you’ve created.
Site Status If you want to work on your new site without anyone but trusted parties seeing it, uncheck this box. This will allow you to work on your site and only give access through a preview link. While the site is disabled, you will see a red bar across the top to remind you it’s not visible to the public. Once you’re ready to go live, check this box and anyone can view your site. You do not want to disable an entire site to work on a few pages if the site has already been live.