(Please note: links will open in a new window.)
• Delirium
-- ICU
Critical Illness, Brain Dysfunction, and Survivorship (CIBS) Center webpage outlining the
ABCDEF bundle, including the assessment, prevention, and treatment of delirium.
-- Non-ICU & ED
CIBS webpage for hospital professionals working setting outside the ICU setting
includes the Brief Confusion Assessment Method (bCAM) for delirium assessment.
-- bCam Delirium Screening and Nursing Interventions
An online module and videos teaching nurses how to perform a bCAM screening for
all adult patients and apply delirium prevention and management interventions.
Duration: est. 45 min.
• Dementia
-- Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing Dementia Series
Free eLearning series on the care of the older adult with dementia from the
New York University Rory Meyers College of Nursing.
-- Teepa Snow
Videos teaching about a person-centered approach to caring for individuals living with dementia.
• Substance Use Disorder
-- Medications for Addiction Treatment
Videos teaching about the medications for addiction treatment, both in the acute withdrawal
phase and long-term.
Duration: 10 min.
-- Substance Misuse in the Hospital
Video teaching staff how to respond to the misuse of substances by patients in the hospital.
Duration: 4 min.
• Traumatic Brain Injury
VUMC’s Traumatic Brain Injury website, includes education for healthcare personnel.
Diagnosis-Specific Care
Nursing at VUMC: