The Program in Human Simulation (PHS)

Established in 2006 as a safe and non-threatening environment dedicated to advancing the interpersonal and clinical skills of medical professionals during all stages of their development, the Program in Human Simulation (PHS) offers medical students and health care providers many opportunities to learn and grow through faculty observed assessment, workshops, interdisciplinary programs, and formative encounters, all against a backdrop of human simulation. Portraying symptomatic patients, family members, health care team members, or other participants who might interact with a healthcare provider, Standardized Patients provide situational realism through carefully designed and scripted encounters, refined through the passage of time by reviewing and applying student and faculty feedback, assessments, and surveys.  Instrumental to the development and growth of present and future healthcare providers, Standardized Patients represent a critical part of the PHS mission to improve the quality of healthcare.

  • Provide a safe, non-threatening environment to teach, refine, and assess the knowledge, skills, and behaviors of health care providers, primarily using Standardized Patients.

  • That every healthcare provider receives the opportunity to learn, enhance, and achieve competence in clinical skills, communication, and patient safety.