STP Research

Matthew Weinger, MD, serves as Director for both the Center for Perioperative Research in Quality (CPRQ) and the Simulation Technology Program (STP).  Through the collaborative efforts of CELA and CPRQ, STP possesses the capacity to support research involving:

  • Clinical Trials
  • Human Factors Engineering
  • Device and Drug Testing and Evaluation
  • Quality Improvement

Representative Publications

  • Pratt, N., Vo, K., Ganiats, T. G., Weinger, M. B.: San Diego Center for Patient Safety: Creating a successful patient safety research, education, and community collaborative. Henriksen, K, Battles, J. B., Marks, E.S., Lewin, D. I., Editors: Advances in Patient Safety: From Research to Implementation. Volume 4. Programs, Tools, and Products. AHRQ Publication No. 05-0021-4. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, pp. 33-44, 2005.
  • Suydam, S., Liang, B. A., Anderson, S., Weinger, M. B.: Addressing the problem of exchanging patient safety information among unaffiliated healthcare organizations. Henriksen, K, Battles, J. B., Marks, E.S., Lewin, D. I., Editors: Advances in Patient Safety: From Research to Implementation. Volume 3. Implementation Issues. AHRQ Publication No. 05-0021-3. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, pp. 361-370, 2005.