Change to Endoscopic Process

Reaching out because all of you have been enrolled in an LMS module titled “2024 FY VUMC Endoscope Use and Handling” and I want to provide you some background.


S- There are some changes/streamlining of the process surrounding handling of our scopes in the adult inpatient units.


B- Historically, a lack of clarity around who to contact, what number to call, and where to go increases frustration around dropping off and picking up of scopes.


A- What changes for YOU?

  1. Scopes are carried to rooms inside the plastic bin covered with a green plastic lid to signify the scope is clean and ready for use.
  2. Prior to your Bronch, a timeout is performed. In the timeout record the Endoscope serial number in eStar
    1. ** This takes place of historical writing down scope # on a list**
  3. After cleansing with the First Step product place a biohazard tag inside the dirty box with the scope. The tag needs to state:
    1. Time scope was used
    2. Time first step cleansing was performed
    3. Place a patient sticker on it
  4. IF YOU cannot get the scope to endo within 1 hour- Intercept foam should be placed on the scope to ensure it does not dry out before it can be cleaned.
  5. Drop off location does not change- map is attached above.
  6. The ONLY number you call is Endo supervisor via hot line (615)-573-6700
    1. On the weekend if this phone number is not picked up, contact the OR Board and they will arrange pick up of the scope.


R- Please complete assigned LMS module: Link to Learning Exchange and elevate any questions to CVICU leadership at