Employee Of the Quarter

The LAUGH HEARD AROUND THE WORLD not only belongs to a funny lady, but one who is humble, kind, and hard working. Ms. Trenia, our EMPLOYEE OF THE QUARTER, has worked at VUMC for 28 years and even after all that time, she continues to be thankful for her time and the people she has met along the way. Her laugh is more infectious than COVID and her work ethic is stronger than an ox. Ms. Trenia is always willing to problem solve and chip in to keep the unit running smoothly and looking sharp. She illuminates dedication, teamwork, loyalty, and pride. You can tell she genuinely enjoys her job. Ms. Trenia is consistent and knowledgeable, providing a familiar kind face to many. The night shift can count on her to be meticulous, quick, and dependable at her job. Ms. Trenia never takes anything for granted and has built some strong friendships with so many within VUMC, including our CNO Robin (who hired her!) and so many of us on CVICU. When Ms. Trenia takes a “break” from being the backbone of CV, you can find her catching up on all the “hot goss” at the old water cooler, drinking a delicious cup of whatever night shift is brewing. THANK YOU, Ms. Trenia, for being you, loving CVICU like you do and Congratulations on an overdue recognition!!