REMINDER: Papers for ACI Special Issue: “Adolescent Privacy and the EHR” — DUE OCT. 16



During adolescence, individuals continue to explore their developing independence and may increasingly engage in activities with substantial implications for their health and wellness. Adolescents are more likely to disclose sensitive health information to healthcare professionals around topics such as sexuality, mental health, and drug use if they have confidence that the disclosed health information remains private. Attempts to balance adolescent privacy and parents’ and guardians’ responsibility to care for their minor children are challenged by a great variety of applicable state laws and health system policies.

Patient portals have become ubiquitous and are critical in giving patients and their families digital access to their health information. Patient portals also provide an easy way to interact remotely with the healthcare system. However, adolescent privacy concerns have increased with the expanded access of electronic health information under the 21st Century Cures Act and other efforts to increase the transparency of health records to patients and their families. This new and unprecedented access to electronic health information raises the potential for breaches of sensitive medical information to families without the adolescent’s consent or the health professionals’ knowledge. The increased interoperability and exchange of health information in the setting of state-by-state variability in laws also creates challenges in sharing protected health information in a way that remains legally compliant.

Health professionals and health systems face the burden of balancing adolescents’ and guardian’s rights of access to health information with privacy given diverse state laws, increased interoperability, health system policies, local interpretations of the 21st Century Cures Act and other federal regulations, and the capabilities of local electronic health record system implementations.


This special issue on “Adolescent Privacy and the Electronic Health Record” of Applied Clinical Informatics targets papers addressing topics at the intersection of: 

  • Adolescent privacy and consent for care
  • Regulatory pressures from federal, state, and institutional policies
  • The realities of existing health information technologies implemented in the real world. This includes solutions that have been developed and implemented by healthcare institutions, analysis of legal or regulatory materials and their effect on care, case reports of breaches of privacy and their effect on care, as well as the effect that the immediate disclosure of information has had on care experiences.


Submissions are due October 16, 2022 in ACI’s submission site at Authors must modify the title of the submission to alert the journal that the submission is pertaining to the Special Issue from <title> to “Adolescent Privacy and the Electronic Health Record - <title>. Authors are encouraged to vet their ideas with the special editorial team, who may also grant extensions to the deadline.


Please direct any questions regarding the special issue, logistics of submissions, requirements and more to