Interfolio is an administrative and faculty resource with several different modules which are displayed and explained below.
Click Here to access Interfolio. Your Interfolio menu will vary based upon your system access.
Interfolio's Faculty180 module has replaced Educator Portfolio & Faculty Portal (CV Builder).
This module saves our faculty and departmental administrative staff time on data input by leveraging a massive, evolving pool of existing publications data. You can regularly discover and pull in fresh faculty publications data throughout the year, rather than relying on one-time imports. Faculty180 allows you to build a reliable database that needs less double-checking when building reports. And you can draw on reliable data for CVs, Educator Portfolio, faculty evaluations, accreditation or other reporting, funding, and more.
- Click Here to watch a Faculty180 walk-through.
- Click Here to access a Faculty180 data input step-by-step guide including the login process.
- Click Here for a step-by-step guide on how to integrate some of your ORCID information directly into Faculty180.
- Click Here for a step-by-step guide on how to pull out Data for your Educator Portfolio and other vitas.
- Click Here to access Interfolio: Faculty180
- Click below for links to office hours: [Temporarily on Hold]
Interfolio Review, Promotion & Tenure, RPT for short, is a flexible, committee-friendly work-flow system that allows us to process a multitude of actions and reviews with ease.
Interfolio Faculty Search covers the whole academic recruitment process — including job postings and applications, confidential letters, committee reviews, diversity data, and the rest.