Required Format for Curriculum Vitae

Please note: The information below is required for curricula vitae to be submitted with recommendations for appointments and promotions requiring review by the School of Medicine's Faculty Appointments and Promotions Committee, but is not necessarily recommended for inclusion in the standard curriculum vitae.  Personal Data section is not required to be included on your CV for appointment or promotion.  Inclusion of this information is strictly optional and not recommended for your public CV.


  • All CVs should have a "Revised Date" in the header to indicate when the document was last updated.
  • CVs prepared for an appointment or promotion, should be updated within the last three (3) months.
  • CVs prepared for all other actions/reviews, should be updated within the last year, with the exception of reappointments on the Investigator Track, which should be updated within the last three (3) months. 
  • All sections should be in chronological order.


Office Address:
Office Phone Number:

PERSONAL DATA: (All Personal Data is Optional and NOT Required on your CV for submission to appointment or promotion.  Additionally, it is not recommended to include personal information in your public CV.)
Date and Place of Birth:
Home Address
Home Phone Number
Marital Status, Spouse's Name
Children, names, dates of birth
Military Service


  • College: school (city, state), degree, date, major 
  • Professional or graduate: School(s) (city, state), degree(s), date(s)
  • (Thesis or dissertation title, if applicable)
  • Postgraduate Training: residency, fellowship, etc.
  • Institutions(s), mentor (for research fellowships), dates

Licensure and Certification: (If applicable)

  • State(s) in which licensed: date, name, license number)
  • Specialty board(s): Board, specialty, date

Academic Appointments:

  • List in chronological order, beginning with earliest and ending with current.
  • Rank, Department, Institution, Dates

Hospital Appointments (If applicable)

  • List in chronological order, as in Academic Appointments

Employment: (other than academic and hospital appointments)

  • List in chronological order, as in Academic Appointments

Professional Organizations:

  • Name, offices held, if any

Professional Activities:

  • Intramural: School or university committees, inclusive dates
  • Extramural: Study groups, site visits, governmental agencies or private organizations, including offices held, inclusive dates. Editorial appointments, ad hoc reviewing, indicate journal
  • Other professional activities: (optional)
  • Special awards or recognition for professional activities

Teaching Activities:

  • Indicate if you developed or substantially revised any of the teaching activities listed below.
  • Medical School Courses: title, number of lectures, conferences, etc., dates offered
  • Graduate School Courses: title, number of lectures, conferences, etc., dates offered
  • Continuing Medical Education: program title, date offered, indicated whether organizer or lecturer

Clinical Teaching: nature and frequency

Research Supervision (residents or fellows, postdoctoral trainees, graduate students, medical students): name(s), date(s), current position of trainee

Other Significant Activities: (optional)

  • e.g., civic, political activities

Research Program:

Cumulative listing of all grants: title, source, dollar amount, inclusive dates, percent effort.

Publications and Presentations:

Separate by category and list earliest to latest. Underline or BOLD name.

  1. Articles in refereed journals: List in chronological order, including name of all authors as listed sequentially on each publication, title, journal, volume, inclusive pages, year. Underline your name in each listing.
  2. Books, book chapters, invited review articles: List as in #1.
  3. Letters to editor, book reviews, editorials, etc. (optional)
  4. Abstracts (optional)
  5. Presentations at Scientific Meetings: List chronologically, include title, date, location of presentation. Specify if presentation was invited and/or peer reviewed.