The Literature Resource page is designed to provide a comprehensive listing of publications and tools to assist faculty members in furthering their professional development. Below you will find publications related to the following topics: (a) Assessment (b) Diversity and Inclusion, (c) Leadership, (d) Medical Education (e) Mentoring, (f) Professionalism, and (g) Wellness.
Publications and tools will be added on a regular basis. If you have a publication or topic that you would like to include on this resource page, please contact the Office of Faculty Affairs at
- A Conceptual Model for Assessment
- A Constructive Reframing of Student Roles and Systems Learning in Medical Education Using a Communities of Practice Lens
- Addressing the Interprofessional Collaboration Competencies of the Associate of American Medical Colleges: A Systematic Review of Assessment Instruments in Medical Education
- Assessment and Evaluation Abstract Inventory
- Assessment of Knowledge
- Assessment of Two Different Types of Bias Affecting the Results of Outcome-based Evaluation in Undergraduate Medical Education
- Book: Teaching and Learning Methods in Medicine
- Development and Evaluation of a Simulation-based Continuing Medical Education Course: Beyond Lectures and Credit Hours
- Evaluation Apprehension and Impression Management in Clinical Medical Education
- Expert Consensus on Gender Criteria for Assessment in Medical Communication Education
- Faculty Development in Assessment: The Missing Link in Competency-Based Medical Education
- Factor Analysis Methods and Validity Evidence: A Review of Instrument Development Across the Medical Education Continuum
- Four Tenets of Modern Validity Theory for Medical Education Assessment and Evaluation
- Generalizability of Competency Assessment Scores Across and Within Clerkships: How Students, Assessors, and Clerkships Matter
- Principles of Assessment
- Programmatic Assessment: The Process, Rationale, and Evidence for Modern Evaluation Approaches to Medical Education
- Student Evaluation in Higher Education: A Comparison Between Computer Assisted Assessment and Traditional Evaluation
- The Philosophy and Logic of Assessment
- The Role of Assessment in Competency-based Medical Education
- Transforming Medical Assessment: Integrating Uncertainty Into the Evaluation of Clinical Reasoning in Medical Education
- Antecedents, Mediators, and Outcomes of Authentic Leadership in Healthcare
- Book: Leadership in Healthcare
- Distributed Leadership in Healthcare: The Role of Formal Leadership Styles and Organizational Efficacy
- Evaluation of Relationship Between Leadership Style and Job Satisfaction Among Healthcare Professionals
- Goleman's Leadership Styles at Different Hierarchical Levels in Medical Education
- Healthcare Organizations and Decision Making: Leadership Style for Growth and Development
- Healthcare Leadership Development and Training: Progress and Pitfalls
- Leadership in Healthcare
- Leadership for Healthcare: The Capabilities of Leadership
- Leadership for Healthcare: The Challenges of Leadership
- Leadership for Healthcare: The Contexts for Leadership
- Leadership for Healthcare: The Concepts of Leadership
- Leadership in Healthcare: The Consequences of Leadership
- Leadership for Healthcare: Leadership Development
- Leadership for Healthcare: Complex Leadership
- Leadership Styles and Organizational Commitment: Literature Review
- Literature Review on Leadership in Healthcare Management
- Reviewing Leadership Styles: Overlaps and The Need For a New "Full-Range" Theory
- Shared Leadership in Higher Education: Important Lessons for Research and Practice
- Untangling Approaches to Management and Leadership Across Systems of Medical Education
- A Comparison of Collaborative and Traditional Instruction in Higher Education
- A Future of Graduate Medical Education: A Systems-Based Approach to Ensure Patient Safety
- A Formative Design Examining the Effects of Elaboration and Question Strategy with Video Instruction in Medical Education
- An Introduction to the Medical Education Domain
- Adult Learning Theories: Implications for Learning and Teaching in Medical Education
- Book: Educational Technologies in Medical and Health Sciences
- Computer-based Teaching Module Design: Principles Derived from Learning Theories
- Creating a Quality Improvement Course for Undergraduate Medical Education
- Designing Multimedia Instruction in Anatomy: An Evidence-Based Approach
- Developing Residents as Clinician Educators During Clinical Training Via a Longitudinal, Multimodal, and Multidisciplinary Track
- Ecological Theories of Systems and Contextual Change in Medical Education
- Effective Online Instruction in Higher Education
- How Self-Determination Theory Can Assist Our Understanding of the Teaching and Learning Processes in Medical Education
- Identifying Faculty's Knowledge of Critical Thinking Concepts and Perceptions of Critical Thinking Instruction in Higher Education
- Lectures for Adult Learners: Breaking Old Habits in Graduate Medical Education
- Library Instruction in Medical Education: A Survey of Current Practices in the United States and Canada
- Making Room for the Invisible: Teaching Theory in Medical Education
- Quantifying the Literature of Computer-aided Instruction in Medical Education
- Students' Perception of Technology-assisted Learning in Undergraduate Medical Education: A Survey
- The Distinction Between Inquiry-Based Instruction and Non-Inquiry-Based Instruction in Higher Education
- The Essential Role of Medical Ethics Education in Achieving Professionalism
- Theoretical Perspectives in Medical Education: Past Evidence and Future Possibilities
- Visual Art Instruction in Medical Education: A Narrative Review
Mentorship in Medical Education
- A Framework for Mentoring of Medical Students: A Thematic Analysis of Mentoring Programs Between 2000 - 2015
- A Professionalism and Mentoring Curriculum for Pathology Residents in Training
- Book: Portable Surgical Mentor
- Book: Management and Leadership Skills for Medical Faculty
- Characteristics of Mentoring Relationships Formed by Medical Students and Faculty
- Coaching: A New Model for Academic and Career Achievement
- Creating a Culture for Publication Through Education and Mentoring
- Cultivating Medical Education Research Mentorship as a Pathway Towards High Quality Medical Education Research
- Effects of Mentoring Speed Dating as an Innovative Matching Tool in Undergraduate Medical Education
- Integrating Mentoring and Social Support Research Within the Context of Stressful Medical Training
- Longitudinal Mentorship to Support the Development of Medical Students' Future Professional Role
- Mapping, Modeling, and Mentoring: Charting a Course for Professionalism in Graduate Medical Education
- Medicine as a Community of Practice: Implications for Medical Education
- Mentoring By Design: Integrating Medical Professional Competencies into Bioengineering and Medical Physics Graduate Training
- Mentoring Clinical-Year Medical Students: Factors Contributing to Effective Mentoring
- Mentor-Mentee Relationship: A Win-Win Contract in Graduate Medical Education
- Mentoring Portfolio Use in Undergraduate and Postgraduate Medical Education
- Mentorship in Academic Medicine: Introduction to Mentoring
- Mentorship in Academic Medicine: What Are the Characteristics and Behaviors of Effective Mentors and Mentees?
- Psychological and Social Career Outcomes of Mentorship in Medical Resident Education
- The Role of Reverse Mentoring in Medical Education: Current Insights
- Understanding the Mentoring Environment Through Thematic Analysis of the Learning Environment in Medial Education: A Systematic Review
- What Does It Mean To Be a Mentor in Medical Education?
Mentorship in Faculty
- A Faculty Development Model that Promotes Success of Early Career Faculty in Academic Medicine
- An Adaptive Pediatrics Mentoring Model
- Benefits of a University Faculty-to-Faculty Mentoring Program
- Developing and Sustaining Effective Faculty Mentoring Programs
- Empowering Faculty Using Distance Learning Mentoring Programs
- Faculty Mentoring Practices in Academic Emergency Medicine
- Identifying Components of Success Within Health Sciences-Focused Mentoring Programs Through a Review of the Literature
- Independent Investigator incubator: A Comprehensive Mentorship Program to Jumpstart Productive Research Careers for Junior Faculty
- Institutionalizing Faculty Mentoring Within a Community of Practice Model
- Long-term Impact of Faculty Mentoring Program in Academic Medicine
- Mentoring Postsecondary Tenure-Track Faculty
- Mentoring the Next Generation of Faculty: Supporting Academic Career Aspirations Among Doctoral Students
- Multidisciplinary Mentoring Programs to Enhance Junior Faculty Research Grant Success
- Book: Remediation in Medical Education
- Faculty Development For Learning and Teaching of Medical Professionalism
- Faculty Development on Professionalism and Medical Ethics
- Fostering Professionalism in Medical Education
- Implementation of Different Initiatives to Develop a Culture of Professionalism in the Medical School
- Is Reflective Ability Associated With Professionalism Lapses During Medical School?
- Professing Professionalism: Are We Our Own Worst Enemy? Faculty Members' Experiences of Teaching and Evaluating Professionalism in Medical Education
- Professionalism in Medical Education - Perspectives of Medical Students and Faculty
- Professionalism in Medical School Curriculums Evaluated
- Relationships Between Medical Student Burnout, Empathy, and Professional Climate
- Recommended Sanctions for Lapses in Professionalism by Student and Faculty Respondees
- Silent Witnesses: Faculty Reluctance to Report Medical School Students' Professionalism Lapses
- The Expected Results of Faculty Development Programs in Medical Professionalism From the Viewpoint of Medical Education Experts
- Training and Learning Professionalism in the Medical School Curriculum: Current Considerations
- Your Professionalism is Not My Professionalism: Congruence and Variance in the Views of Medical Students and Faculty About Professionalism
- AAMC - Faculty Resilience and Career Development: Strategies for Strengthening Academic Medicine
- Aiming for Resilience and Adaptation in Management Environment
- An Agenda to Advance Integrative Resilience Research and Practice
- Building Resilience
- Employee Resilience and Leadership Styles
- How Boards and Presidents Should Respond to the COVID19 Pandemic
- Leading Through Crisis Remotely
- Leading Through COVID19; Finding Hope and Opportunity in a Global Calamity
- Resilience in Medical Education
- Conceptual Frameworks and Research Models in Resilience in Leadership
- Developing Resilience Throughout the Continuum of Medical Education
- Sustaining Emotional Resilience for School Leadership
- Two Principles for Leading your Organization Through the COVID19 Crisis
- Antecedents, Correlates, and Consequences of Faculty Burnout
- Book: The Academic Medicine Handbook - A Guide to Achievement and Fulfillment for Academic Faculty
- Building Resilience for Wellness: A Faculty Development Resource
- Career Fit and Burnout Among Academic Faculty
- Clinical Faculty Preceptors and Mental Health Reflections: Learning Through Journaling
- Developing a Medical School Curriculum for Psychological, Moral, and Spiritual Wellness: Student and Faculty Perspectives
- Faculty Wellness: Educator Burnout Among Otolaryngology Graduate Medical Educators
- Focus on the Quadruple Aim: Development of a Resiliency Center to Promote Faculty and Staff Wellness Initiatives
- Fostering Student, Resident, and Faculty Wellness to Produce Healthy Doctors and a Healthy Population
- Linking Medical Faculty Stress/Burnout to Willingness to Implement Medical School Curriculum Change
- Nurse Faculty Burnout and Strategies to Avoid It
- Restoring Faculty Vitality in Academic Medicine When Burnout Threatens
- Trainees and Faculty Healing Together: A Resident and Faculty-directed Wellness Initiative for Emergency Medicine Residents