
We offer several different training models no matter where your experience level is with flow. All training requests need to be made in iLab

  • Instrument Training: learn how to run a cytometer to have more flexibility when reserving our instruments. We train on both BD Fortessa and Cytek programs/instruments. Reach out to a core assistant if you are unsure which instrument would be best for your experiments. 


  • Experimental Design Training: This training is lecture-based and great if you are brand new to flow, especially before you start using the instrument independently. This training covers the services we offer, basic flow experiment design, staining guidelines, and antibody titration. 


  • Advanced Training: This training is lecture-based and is a deep dive into the interworkings of a traditional cytometer. Coving topics such as: FSC vs SSC, Compensation Basics, Using Spectraviewers, long pass and short pass mirrors, Bandpass filters, Path of the Cells, Pulse Geometry, Fluorescence Minus One controls (FMO)

Below are links to our training material to follow along and take notes when going through training

Basic Training Presentation handouts Part 1 and Part 2

Lab Practical Training Guide

Reagent selection and Staining Index

Instrument Setup and Controls

PMT Optimization protocol