About our Workstations


A workstation is a collection of technology devices and standard applications needed to support a VUMC employee or a group of employees. A workstation can be an administrative workstation, a clinical workstation, or a virtual machine and can be stationary or mobile. Workstations can also have one user, or many users depending on whether or not the workstation is in a clinical or administrative setting. 

When a department purchases a workstation or peripherals from VUMC IT, this purchase is an investment. VUMC IT works to ensure that all Medical Center workstations operate as efficiently and securely as possible, while assisting with maintenance and support in a timely manner.

Please be aware that when you place an order for a workstation or other equipment that it may take four to six weeks for delivery. Orders placed at fiscal year-end and during the holiday season may take longer. Special orders can take up to six weeks or longer depending upon vendor availability.

VUMC has three types of workstations:

Administrative Workstations

Clinical Workstations

Virtual Workstations

Workstation removal