The administrative workstation is the predominant workstation at the Medical Center. VUMC IT provides several choices with a basic software and hardware setup.
Additional software, hardware, or special orders can also be purchased and managed through VUMC IT.
- Ordering for DSP supported groups please fill out this request form or contact your local DSP with any questions.
- Departments supported by NTT can request an Administrative Workstation Quote or Purchase an Administrative Workstation.
- Review the current Administrative Workstation choices.
- VUMC Employees working from home can visit the VUMC IT Technical Guide to Working Remotely for more details.
- Use the VUMC IT Internal Requisition Form to fill out your request. Attach this form to your Pegasus Purchase Request.
- Due to continuing supply chain issues, we cannot estimate delivery dates/times for the foreseeable future.
- To assure that the correct request is being submitted, review the most popular administrative workstation requests below.
- Review the current AWS choices
- Current pricing is available on the Administrative Workstation Choices and Pricing Worksheet or on the GHL Cost Worksheet
- If you need multiple machines, please also complete the Request Multiple Computers Spreadsheet
- Fill out the VUMC IT Internal Requisition Form and attach it to your Pegasus request
Use this request for quotes on all administrative workstations
- Quotes are for proposals or purchases that will be ordered later
- We may also use quotes so that you can order accessories yourself
- Quotes can be used for price comparisons
Use this request to purchase a new workstation
- This is a new PC or Mac
- Such as for a new position
- Replaces existing equipment
Use this request to purchase a monitor or laptop docking station for an administrative workstation
This request is for the purchase of in-stock:
- 24” monitors
- Dell Docking Station
- Dell wall mounts, consoles or behind the monitor mounts for micros
- A 3-letter department code is needed
- You may find this on the yellow sticker on your AWS which reads NLxxx where xxx is the placeholder for the department code
Use this request to get workstation-related reports
- Use to request access to your billing and inventory information
- Use to make changes to billing
- Use to change the name of the user or system location
- DO NOT USE the Pegasus Tolero Application Data Change Request
Use this request for the removal or decommission of Clinical Workstations, Administrative Workstations or Print Devices
- Up to 15
- Required approvals for your department should be followed to support fulfillment of this request
Other Requests
Guaranteed Hardware Lifecycling allows a department to purchase a computer through VUMC IT with a three-year purchase plan rather than pay the entire cost upfront. Guaranteed Hardware Lifecycling is not a lease, it is a three-year purchase plan with 0% interest. At the plan's end, departments are encouraged to replace the hardware at the end of the lifecycle.
- Read more about Guaranteed Hardware Lifecycling terms and conditions
- Use the GHL worksheet to estimate pricing with the purchase plan