HP Academy members qualify for a 35% discount on the HP ElitePad. Pricing starts at $454.35 with your HP Academy pricing.
- Customize with accessories including an HP Smart Jacket that extends battery life and a full keyboard.
- This system is Windows 8 certified and supports the new Windows UI. The integrated display resolution is below the threshold for Snap, a Windows UI feature that allows two Windows Store apps to be viewed simultaneously. This feature may be enabled by attaching an external 1366 x 768 or higher resolution display.
- Contoured edges, an anti-smudge scree, and aluminum buttons make the HP ElitePad look and feel as good as it functions.
- You're protected with HP Client Security. HP BIOS Protection and Microsoft Defender help keep you up and running with enhanced defense against virus attacks and other threats.
- You'll benefit from an assortment of industry-specific software and hardware options that have been thoroughly tested for compatibility.