EndNote X5 for Windows

Thomson Reuters recently announced the release of EndNote X5 for Windows (http://www.endnote.com/pr-enx5win.asp).  Departments, faculty, staff and students may purchase EndNote X5 for $55/computer through the Vanderbilt Software Store starting today. Customers who bought Endnote X4 for Windows through http://its.vanderbilt.edu/softwarestore since April 20, 2011 qualify for a free upgrade to X5.  The Software Store has placed the free upgrade in the accounts of eligible customers.  These customers may access their free download by logging into http://its.vanderbilt.edu/softwarestore and clicking on “My Software.” We expect EndNote X5 for Macintosh to become available during September 2011. Please contact the Software Store at software.store@vanderbilt.edu or 343-3919 if you have questions.