Office Mobile for iPhone

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Office Mobile for iPhone is available to Office 365 University subscribers through the Apple app store starting today.  Office 365 University subscribers can use Office Mobile for iPhone on up to five iPhones.  Office 365 University also includes:

· Installation rights for Office 2013 and Office 2011 for Mac on up to 2 PCs or Macs

· Access to the latest versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote for PC, Publisher for PC, and Access for PC.

· 27GB SkyDrive storage

· 60 worldwide Skype minutes/month

· Free access to the product, feature, and service upgrades Microsoft releases during the four year subscription term

Office Mobile for iPhone includes mobile versions of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.  The app supports iPhone 4, 4s, and 5, and iPod Touch Fifth Generation running iOS 6.1 or higher.

Vanderbilt employees and students are eligible to purchase Office 365 University through the Software Store for $79.99.  Go to to access the Software Store.