Basic Neonatal Care
Course dates
Due to COVID-19, STABLE will be virtual via Microsoft Teams. This is subject to change. Classes are 8:00 - 16:00. This is a one-day course.
- April 16th
Coordinator: Meghan Arms, RN, MSN, RNC-NIC
Phone: (615) 936-6882
Course topics
- Transition to extrauterine life and safe delivery room care
- Physical and gestational age assessment of the neonate
- Prenatal environment and neonatal outcome
- Pre-existing conditions
- Maternal infections
- Gestational conditions
- Complications and concerns during labor and delivery
- Substance use/abuse including Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
- Common issues in the neonate: LGA/SGA/IUGR; RDS vs TTN; meconium aspiration syndrome; pneumothorax; sepsis; hyperbilirubinemia and hypoglycemia; murmurs and CCHD screening; metabolic issues; newborn screening program
- Late pre-term special considerations
- Safe sleep
- Lactation support
We strongly recommend participants take NRP prior to taking the Basic Neonatal Care course.
For individual registration, complete the Neonatal Outreach Class Request form.
If interested in group registration or on-site education, please contact the course coordinator. We are able to come to your facility.
The Vanderbilt Newborn Regionalization Program provides formal neonatal care courses for Level I, Level II, and Level III neonatal personnel. Each hospital and/or healthcare professional will decide which Neonatal Care Course is necessary for his/her practice. Please contact individual course coordinators for further information.
Neonatal Care: Beyond Basics
Course dates
Due to COVID-19, STABLE will be virtual via Microsoft Teams. This is subject to change. Classes are 8:00 - 16:00. This is a two-day course.
- April 29th & May 6th
Coordinator: Meghan Arms, RN, MSN, RNC-NIC
Phone: (615) 936-6882
Course topics
- Fluid and electrolytes: loss prevention, presentation of fluid depletion and excess
- Electrolyte imbalances, tests, signs/symptoms
- Nutrition: calorie requirements, TPN/IL, enteral feedings, initiation of oral feedings, intolerance
- Body systems: GU/renal/endocrine (hypospadias, ambiguous genitalia, hernias, bladder exstrophy, hypoplastic kidneys, hydronephrosis, polycystic kidneys, acute renal failure, hyperthyroidism, congenital hypothyroidism, congenital adrenal hypoplasia)
- Respiratory: ventilation types, BPD, CLD
- Neuro: IVH, PVL, subgaleal bleeds, HIE/therapeutic body cooling, spinal cord defects, anencephaly/microcephaly/hydrocephalus, seizures
- Cardiac: murmur differentiation; common congenital disorders
- GI: NEC, omphalocele, gastroschisis, imperforate anus, meconium ileus/plug, malrotation/volvulus, duodenal atresia/stenosis
- Integumentary/skeletal: IV infiltrates, osteogenesis imperfecta; dwarfism
- EENT: ROP, TEF, choanal atresia, laryngeal web, Pierre Robin, cleft lip/palate
- Hematology/immunology: blood transfusions
- Genetics/congenital abnormalities: VACTERAL, Potter’s syndrome, trisomy disorders, Turner’s syndrome
- Preterm Special Considerations: developmental care (especially late preterm), special considerations for medication administration
We strongly recommend participants take S.T.A.B.L.E prior to taking this course.
For individual registration, download the Neonatal Outreach Class Request form.
If interested in group registration or on-site education, please contact the course coordinator. We are able to come to your facility.
The Vanderbilt Newborn Regionalization Program provides formal neonatal care courses for Level I, Level II, and Level III neonatal personnel. Each hospital and/or healthcare professional will decide which Neonatal Care Course is necessary for his/her practice. Please contact individual course coordinators for further information.