Course dates
8:00 - 10:00 or 10:30 - 12:30 unless stated otherwise.2025
- March 26th
- April 30th
- May 28th
- June 25th
- July 23rd
- August 27th
- September 24th
- October 29th
- November 19th
- December 10th (11:00 ONLY)
Coordinator: Mary Lee Lemley, MSN, RNC-NIC
Phone: (615) 343-8686The Neonatal Resuscitation Program allows the AAP NRP online learning to be completed within 90 days prior to attending the NRP Course instructor led event. Prior to the online learning, the textbook Neonatal Resuscitation, 8th Edition must be studied.
Throughout the online learning, each learner will be required to review all 11 chapters and prove competence. The online learning is in two parts (Essentials and/or Advanced). You may find it helpful to visit the Neonatal Resuscitation Program Provider Website.
If books are unavailable from your employer, you may order the textbook directly from the American Academy of Pediatrics Textbook of Neonatal Resuscitation, 8th Edition, or call (888) 227-1770. You may also find a more cost-effective option to buy or rent through Amazon.
We provide the required hands-on interactive part of the course. You will successfully pass the course and receive an e-card after you:
- Provide your certificate verifying that you passed the 1-part (Essentials) or 2-part online learning (Essentials & Advanced).
- Demonstrate the skills required within the context of a clinical scenario in correct sequence according to the NRP flow diagram, with correct timing and proper technique.
- Participate in simulation training and debriefing exercises.
Neonatal resuscitation program for providers:
For individual registration, please complete the Neonatal Outreach Class Request form. If you are a MCJCH Neonatal ICU employee, please email Meghan Arms or Katie Judd.
Parking instructions and course location will be sent with your confirmation letter. If you have questions, please call or email the coordinator.
These educational programs receive financial support from the Tennessee Perinatal Regionalization Grant.
Course dates
Due to COVID-19, STABLE will be virtual via Microsoft Teams. This is subject to change. Classes are 8:00 - 16:00. This is a one-day course.
- April 16th
Coordinator: Meghan Arms, RN, MSN, RNC-NIC
Phone: (615) 936-6882Course topics
- Transition to extrauterine life and safe delivery room care
- Physical and gestational age assessment of the neonate
- Prenatal environment and neonatal outcome
- Pre-existing conditions
- Maternal infections
- Gestational conditions
- Complications and concerns during labor and delivery
- Substance use/abuse including Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
- Common issues in the neonate: LGA/SGA/IUGR; RDS vs TTN; meconium aspiration syndrome; pneumothorax; sepsis; hyperbilirubinemia and hypoglycemia; murmurs and CCHD screening; metabolic issues; newborn screening program
- Late pre-term special considerations
- Safe sleep
- Lactation support
We strongly recommend participants take NRP prior to taking the Basic Neonatal Care course.
For individual registration, complete the Neonatal Outreach Class Request form.
If interested in group registration or on-site education, please contact the course coordinator. We are able to come to your facility.
The Vanderbilt Newborn Regionalization Program provides formal neonatal care courses for Level I, Level II, and Level III neonatal personnel. Each hospital and/or healthcare professional will decide which Neonatal Care Course is necessary for his/her practice. Please contact individual course coordinators for further information.
Course dates
Due to COVID-19, STABLE will be virtual via Microsoft Teams. This is subject to change. Classes are 8:00 - 16:00. This is a two-day course.
April 29th & May 6th
Coordinator: Meghan Arms, RN, MSN, RNC-NIC
Phone: (615) 936-6882Course topics
- Fluid and electrolytes: loss prevention, presentation of fluid depletion and excess
- Electrolyte imbalances, tests, signs/symptoms
- Nutrition: calorie requirements, TPN/IL, enteral feedings, initiation of oral feedings, intolerance
- Body systems: GU/renal/endocrine (hypospadias, ambiguous genitalia, hernias, bladder exstrophy, hypoplastic kidneys, hydronephrosis, polycystic kidneys, acute renal failure, hyperthyroidism, congenital hypothyroidism, congenital adrenal hypoplasia)
- Respiratory: ventilation types, BPD, CLD
- Neuro: IVH, PVL, subgaleal bleeds, HIE/therapeutic body cooling, spinal cord defects, anencephaly/microcephaly/hydrocephalus, seizures
- Cardiac: murmur differentiation; common congenital disorders
- GI: NEC, omphalocele, gastroschisis, imperforate anus, meconium ileus/plug, malrotation/volvulus, duodenal atresia/stenosis
- Integumentary/skeletal: IV infiltrates, osteogenesis imperfecta; dwarfism
- EENT: ROP, TEF, choanal atresia, laryngeal web, Pierre Robin, cleft lip/palate
- Hematology/immunology: blood transfusions
- Genetics/congenital abnormalities: VACTERAL, Potter’s syndrome, trisomy disorders, Turner’s syndrome
- Preterm Special Considerations: developmental care (especially late preterm), special considerations for medication administration
We strongly recommend participants take S.T.A.B.L.E prior to taking this course.
For individual registration, download the Neonatal Outreach Class Request form.
If interested in group registration or on-site education, please contact the course coordinator. We are able to come to your facility.
The Vanderbilt Newborn Regionalization Program provides formal neonatal care courses for Level I, Level II, and Level III neonatal personnel. Each hospital and/or healthcare professional will decide which Neonatal Care Course is necessary for his/her practice. Please contact individual course coordinators for further information.
Course dates
Due to COVID-19, STABLE will be virtual via Microsoft Teams. This is subject to change. Classes are 8:00 - 16:00. This is a one-day course.
- March 18th
- July 15th (7th Edition - check back for updates)
- August 5th
- September 16th
- October 21st
- November 11th
- December 2nd
Coordinator: Katie Judd, RN, CCRN-Neo, MSN
Phone: (615) 322-6798This full-length program focuses on the post-resuscitation and pre-transport stabilization care of the sick neonate. It involves interactive didactic presentations with pre and post assessments. Each student who successfully completes this course receives a course completion card. Each learner will need access to a 6th Edition (7th Edition April 2025) Learner Manual prior to class for study and for use in class. If books are unavailable from your employer for borrowing, you may order online from The S.T.A.B.L.E. Program or the AAP The S.T.A.B.L.E. Program Learner Manual, 7th Edition. You may also find a more cost-effective option to rent it as a textbook through Amazon.
Information for 7th Edition: There is a Healthstream course (https://cmecourses.healthstream.com/products/s-t-a-b-l-e-foundations) that must be completed 3 days prior to class. The certificate will need to be emailed to the NeoEducation email.
For individual registration, please complete the Neonatal Outreach Class Request form.
If interested in group registration or on-site education, contact the course coordinator to arrange. We are able to come to your facility.
For Vanderbilt employees, please register through The Learning Exchange (LMS) for the date/time of desired course.
Coordinator: Mary Lee Lemley, MSN, RNC-NIC
Phone: (615) 343-8686The American Academy of Pediatrics encourages hospitals with obstetrical or neonatal services to implement the Neonatal Resuscitation Program.
Instructor Candidate
NRP providers who want to become NRP instructor candidates must meet the following eligibility requirements:- Have current NRP 8th edition Advanced Provider status. (required)
- Be a physician, registered nurse, nurse practitioner, respiratory care practitioner, physician assistant, certified midwife, or certified nurse midwife with experience in the hospital or accredited birth center care of newborns. (required)
- Have current maternal-child educational or clinical responsibility within a hospital or accredited birth center setting. (required)
- Have ongoing experience caring for newborns in the delivery room or accredited birth center. (recommended)
You can now complete instructor classes through AAP online. The course requires you to co-teach three classes with a NRP mentor after self-study the NRP 8th edition Instructor Candidate Curriculum and complete the NRP 8th edition Instructor Course and the Instructor Exam. We can provide mentorship opportunities and help design and implement your NRP program at your institution.
Contact the coordinator for more information.
Coordinator: Mary Lee Lemley, MSN, RNC-NIC
Phone: (615) 343-8686Develop an NRP or simulation lab at your hospital
We have three portable Sim NewB (term) infants, one portable Premature Anne (25-week infant), one MammaNatalie, and a SimMom. All are high fidelity mobile simulation lab experiences we can bring to your institution and adapt to your work environment. This allows us to provide a unique learning experience enabling neonatal healthcare providers to practice real-time team responses to neonatal and perinatal scenarios.
Following the simulation exercises, your teams will review their performances and discuss results. We can tailor scenarios to fit your group's needs and skill levels.
Our Neonatal Regionalization Program will continue to offer traditional intubation labs for medical, nursing, and respiratory therapy staff. We also offer skills labs including umbilical line and chest tube placement, neonatal assessments, mock codes, or stabilization scenarios prior to infant transporting.
The AAP encourages every hospital with obstetrical or neonatal services to implement the Neonatal Resuscitation Program. We can discuss the use of low fidelity versus high fidelity simulators, creation of scenarios, aspects of debriefing, and benefits of video taping of sessions. We can also help design and implement a simulation skill lab, including all aspects of simulation. Contact our program coordinator for details.
High-Fidelity Mobile Simulation Lab
Contact the coordinator to schedule or discuss this educational opportunity and if you need help designing your NRP program and/or Simulation Skill Lab (e.g. including all aspects of simulation, the use of low fidelity versus high fidelity simulators, moulage, creation of scenarios, aspects of debriefing, and benefits of video taping of sessions).
Neonatal Outreach Manager
Mary Lee Lemley MSN, RNC-NIC is a third-generation nurse, with a Master of Science degree in Nursing Education and Management. During her career she has worked in Maternal Child and Neonatal nursing as a staff nurse, charge nurse, educator, clinical instructor and simulation specialist. She also led the work to develop a mobile Neonatal and OB simulation lab, which increases the skill sets of clinical team members through simulated experiences, didactic training and real time feedback. Mary Lee is a simulation coordinator for Monroe Carell's Division of Neonatology.
Neonatal Outreach Coordinators
Katie Judd MSN, RN, CCRN-Neonatal joined our team in July 2016 from the NICU at Monroe Carell, where she had served as a charge nurse since 2003. Born in Seattle to a military family, she has travelled extensively and spent much of her childhood overseas. A nurse since 2000, she is a certified instructor for STABLE and NRP.
Meghan Arms RN, MSN, RNC-NIC entered her nursing career in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit after graduating with her BSN in Nursing from UT Knoxville in 2007. In 2008, she expanded her NICU expertise by joining the NICU team at Monroe Carell. Meghan’s nursing career background expanded from normal nursery to Level IV NICUs. These experiences fueled her passion for education. Meghan completed her Master of Science degree in Nursing Education in 2022 and joined the Neonatal Outreach team. She is an NRP instructor and a STABLE instructor. Outside her professional career, Meghan cherishes time spent with her children and husband. She enjoys life outdoors and a good book. Meghan has deep roots and community in Tennessee, but she also finds joy in visiting her family in Canada.