
Academic Requirements

Qualified applicants should have an overall GPA of 3.0 and must have a baccalaureate degree in a related science field (i.e., biology, chemistry, physics, radiologic technology), or be eligible for that degree, at the completion of the program through an affiliated university.

Students are required to have completed the following coursework (or corresponding content equivalent):

  • Physics 1 and 2 (algebra-based or higher) with lab
  • Chemistry 1 and 2 with lab
  • Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 2 with lab
  • College Algebra or higher
  • Written communications (i.e., English Comp 1 and 2, or equivalent)

Entrance Requirements

  • BLS/ACLS Certification
    • Students enrolled in the Nuclear Medicine Technology program are required to have a BLS Certification. This course will be offered to students during orientation.
  • Health Insurance
    • All CPiAH are required to be covered by health insurance during their training. VUMC does not offer a student health insurance plan.
  • Clinical Observation (*optional for applicants)
    • To qualify for observation at the VUMC Nuclear Medicine and PET Departments, observers must be eligible to apply to the program within the upcoming application cycle. (Note: Application deadline is March 15.)
    • Observations are generally scheduled between September and March.
    • Please email to schedule the observation and to send your completed HIPAA compliance form. This form is required before you may enter the clinical space.

Admissions Process

Please visit the application page to learn more about how to apply.

Selection is based on: 1) scholastic background, 2) references, 3) relevant work, volunteer, or extracurricular experience, and 4) interview.

A completed application will include:

  • Completed Application with $50 Fee (link to submit payment will be on the electronic application and the submission confirmation page and email).
  • Three (3) reference emails (Applicants will be responsible for sending references a secure survey link. References must provide a signature and may be subject to verification. The survey link will be available on the electronic application).
  • Personal statement that should address your motivation to become a nuclear medicine technologist, meaningful experiences you have had that will allow you to succeed in the program as well as the profession, and your future goals following completion of the program. (saved and uploaded as a PDF)
  • Resume (saved and uploaded as a PDF)
    • ALL academic institutions attended
    • Academic honors, awards and achievements
    • ALL licensures/credentials, including agency/organization and license/credential number(s)
    • Professional organization membership(s)
    • Professional development activities (additional professional training)
    • Extra-curricular activities, leadership opportunities and volunteer experiences
    • Employment Information: dates, employer name, city/state, phone number, position/responsibilities, may we contact the employer, if no state reason
  • Official transcript(s) from all colleges and/or universities attended
  • If you are unsure how to save documents as a PDF for upload, click here to learn more. 

Official Transcripts for ALL post-secondary coursework must come directly from the institution and must be delivered electronically via email to or mailed in a sealed envelope to the following address:

Mail to:

  • CPiAH Administration
  • Attn: NMT Program
  • 2215 Garland Ave. 
  • Light Hall, Room 312
  • Nashville, TN 37232-0495

Student selections are made by an Admissions Committee consisting of the Program Director, Clinical Coordinator, Administrative Personnel in the Center for Programs in Allied Health, and Instructor(s). Applicants selected for appointment to the program must successfully complete a background check before final acceptance into the program. Qualified applicants with a bachelor’s degree from any accredited college or university are eligible for appointment. Students who have not received a bachelor’s degree must be enrolled at APSU or MTSU and must have the recommendation of the program director at their school in order to be considered for appointment. VUMC is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in the student admissions process.