

The application window opens annually on December 1 and closes on March 15, when all application materials are due.

Application Process

  • Submit your completed application with $50 application fee (link to submit payment will be on the electronic application and the submission confirmation page and email).
  • Three (3) reference surveys. Applicants will be responsible for sending references a secure survey link. References must provide a signature and may be subject to verification. The survey link will be available on the electronic application.
  • Send official transcript(s) from all colleges and/or universities attended. See transcript submission information below.

With your application, you will upload the following documents:

  • Personal statement that should address your motivation to become a nuclear medicine technologist, meaningful experiences you have had that will allow you to succeed in the program as well as the profession, and your future goals following completion of the program. (saved and uploaded as a PDF on the application)
  • Resume (saved and uploaded as a PDF on the application)
    • ALL academic institutions attended
    • Academic honors, awards and achievements
    • ALL licensures/credentials, including agency/organization and license/credential number(s)
    • Professional organization membership(s)
    • Professional development activities (additional professional training)
    • Extra-curricular activities, leadership opportunities and volunteer experiences
    • Employment Information: dates, employer name, city/state, phone number, position/responsibilities, may we contact the employer, if no state reason
  • Copy of current BLS Certification (Optional upload at time of submission)
  • Copy of Health Insurance (Optional upload at time of submission)

*Documents must be uploaded as a PDF for review. If you are unsure how to make a document a PDF, click here to learn more.*

Official Transcripts for ALL post-secondary coursework must come directly from the institution and must be delivered electronically via email to or mailed in a sealed envelope to the following address:

Mail to:

  • CPiAH Administration
  • Attn: NMT Program
  • 2215 Garland Ave. 
  • Light Hall, Room 312
  • Nashville, TN 37232-0495


Please contact the Program Director, Dr. Jenny Pafford, at if you have any questions.