The Vanderbilt University School of Medicine team proposed Muse, a national exchange for medical education resources: one part information repository, one part social network and one part learning management system. Please see video here>>
Please read full article in the VUMC Reporter
AMA Medical Education Innovation Challenge
What if you were approached by a group of medical school leaders planning to develop a new medical school that was truly innovative and unlike any other in the country? These leaders are seeking your input as a student and asking how you would build the medical school of the future from scratch with no constraints. What would it look like? How would you turn med ed on its head?
Your answer reflects your belief that medical education needs to change. You appreciate the changing nature of society and the evolving nature of the health care system. You accept that technology, health care reform and scientific discoveries continue to alter the landscape of what medical school graduates need to know and be able to do when they enter residency. Put yourself in the position of a faculty member. Consider what novel teaching and assessment methods you would use. What were the most effective educational strategies that helped you learn? How will you ensure students are prepared to practice medicine? Your task is to think broadly and outside the current framework of medical education. What do you need for the medical school of the future? Who are the students in your inaugural class? What happens to them in between matriculation and graduation? Who do they become when they graduate?
Medical schools have been opening at a rapid clip in recent years. Since 2007, 19 new allopathic medical schools were accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education. The number of osteopathic medical school campuses accredited by the Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation grew from 23 in 2006–2007 to 37 in 2013–2014. Despite the new schools and curricular changes in existing schools, physician education hasn’t always kept up with health care system changes. This is your opportunity to turn med ed on its head.
In 4–5 pages describe an innovation that addresses what you think is an important aspect of the medical school of the future. This innovation can affect the infrastructure of your new medical school, students, faculty, curriculum content, technology and/or the learning environment. Most importantly, describe how your innovation leads to graduates who are prepared to meet the health care needs of the future.