The new Educator Development Core (or EDC) was developed in the summer of 2013 within the Office of Health Science Education under the leadership of Bonnie Miller, MD, Senior Associate Dean for Health Sciences Education/Associate Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs. The EDC team consists of Bonnie Miller, MD; Charlene M. Dewey, MD, MEd, FACP; Lillian Nanny, PhD; Rebecca Swan, MD; Leora Horn, MD, MSc, FRCPC; and Mary Ann Nichols, the team’s administrator and EDP program coordinator. The purpose of the newly developed EDC is to enhance educational activities across the continuum at Vanderbilt. The team will oversee and advance educator activities that focus on and support the educational mission of the medical school and its clinical teaching programs. Both educators and learners will benefit from the new activities and revisions of current activities within the continuum (UME, GME, and Faculty Development). New and revised educator programs will be rolled out over the next year. More information can be found in the new EDC Core Newsletter, coming February 2014.