Kim EJ, Chotai S, Archer KR, Bydon M, Asher AL, Devin CJ. Need for Two-Year Patient-Reported Outcomes Score for Lumbar Spine Surgery Is Procedure-Specific: Analysis From a Prospective Longitudinal Spine Registry. Spine. 2017 Jan 31.
Jain NB, Kuhn JE, Murrell WD, Archer KR. What's New in Orthopaedic Rehabilitation. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume. 2016 Nov 16;98(98). 1937-1942.
Archer KR, Devin CJ, Vanston SW, Koyama T, Phillips SE, George SZ, McGirt MJ, Spengler DM, Aaronson OS, Cheng JS, Wegener ST. Cognitive-Behavioral-Based Physical Therapy for Patients With Chronic Pain Undergoing Lumbar Spine Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial. The journal of pain : official journal of the American Pain Society. 2016 Jan;17(17). 76-89.
Devin CJ, Chotai S, McGirt MJ, Vaccaro AR, Youssef JA, Orndorff DG, Arnold PM, Frempong-Boadu AK, Lieberman IH, Branch C, Hedayat HS, Liu A, Wang JC, Isaacs RE, Radcliff KE, Patt JC, Archer KR. Intrawound Vancomycin Decreases the Risk of Surgical Site Infection after Posterior Spine Surgery-A Multicenter Analysis. Spine. 2015 Dec 10.
Coronado RA, George SZ, Devin CJ, Wegener ST, Archer KR. Pain Sensitivity and Pain Catastrophizing Are Associated With Persistent Pain and Disability After Lumbar Spine Surgery. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. 2015 Oct;96(96). 1763-70. NIHMSID: NIHMS705158.
Mroz M, Carlini AR, Archer KR, Wegener ST, Hoolachan JI, Stiers W, Shore RA, Castillo RC. Frequency and Cost of Claims by Injury Type from a State Workers' Compensation Fund, 1998-2008. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. 2014 Jan 27.
Armaghani SJ, Lee DS, Bible JE, Archer KR, Shau DN, Kay H, Zhang C, McGirt MJ, Devin CJ. Preoperative narcotic use and its relation to depression and anxiety in patients undergoing spine surgery. Spine. 2013 Dec 1;38(38). 2196-200.
Alamanda VK, Delisca GO, Archer KR, Song Y, Schwartz HS, Holt GE. Incomplete excisions of extremity soft tissue sarcomas are unaffected by insurance status or distance from a sarcoma center. Journal of surgical oncology. 2013 Dec;108(108). 477-80.
Behnke NK, Alamanda VK, Song Y, Archer KR, Halpern JL, Schwartz HS, Holt GE. Does postoperative infection after soft tissue sarcoma resection affect oncologic outcomes? Journal of surgical oncology. 2013 Nov 28.
Archer KR, Seebach CL, Mathis SL, Riley LH, Wegener ST. Early postoperative fear of movement predicts pain, disability, and physical health 6 months after spinal surgery for degenerative conditions. The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society. 2013 Nov 6.
Morris BJ, Richards JE, Archer KR, Lasater M, Rabalais D, Sethi MK, Jahangir AA. Improving Patient Satisfaction in the Orthopaedic Trauma Population. Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 2013 Oct 28.
Kay H, Sathiyakumar V, Archer KR, Mathis SL, Apfeld JC, Lee YM, Jahangir AA, Ehrenfeld J, Obremskey WT, Sethi MK. The Homeless Orthopaedic Trauma Patient: Follow-up, ER Usage, and Complications. Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 2013 Sep 26.
Morris BJ, Unger RZ, Archer KR, Mathis SL, Perdue AM, Obremskey WT. Risk factors of infection after ORIF of bicondylar tibial plateau fractures. Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 2013 Sep;27(27). e196-200.
Alamanda VK, Delisca GO, Mathis SL, Archer KR, Ehrenfeld JM, Miller MW, Homlar KC, Halpern JL, Schwartz HS, Holt GE. The financial burden of reexcising incompletely excised soft tissue sarcomas: a cost analysis. Annals of surgical oncology. 2013 Sep;20(20). 2808-14.
Fischer EK, Soares D, Archer KR, Ghalambor CK, Hoke KL. Genetically and environmentally mediated divergence in lateral line morphology in the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata). The Journal of experimental biology. 2013 Aug 15;216(216). 3132-42.
Kadakia RJ, Tsahakis JM, Issar NM, Archer KR, Jahangir AA, Sethi MK, Obremskey WT, Mir HR. Health literacy in an orthopedic trauma patient population: a cross-sectional survey of patient comprehension. Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 2013 Aug;27(27). 467-71.
Archer KR, Motzny N, Abraham CM, Yaffe D, Seebach CL, Devin CJ, Spengler DM, McGirt MJ, Aaronson OS, Cheng JS, Wegener ST. Cognitive-behavioral-based physical therapy to improve surgical spine outcomes: a case series. Physical therapy. 2013 Aug;93(93). 1130-9.
Tsahakis JM, Issar NM, Kadakia RJ, Archer KR, Barzyk T, Mir HR. Health Literacy in an Orthopaedic Trauma Patient Population: Improving Patient Comprehension with Informational Intervention. Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 2013 Jul 29.
Delisca GO, Alamanda VK, Archer KR, Song Y, Schwartz HS, Holt GE. Tumor size increase following preoperative radiation of soft tissue sarcomas does not affect prognosis. Journal of surgical oncology. 2013 Jun;107(107). 723-7.
Adelani MA, Archer KR, Song Y, Holt GE. Immediate complications following hip and knee arthroplasty: does race matter? The Journal of arthroplasty. 2013 May;28(28). 732-5.
Freehill MT, Srikumaran U, Archer KR, McFarland EG, Petersen SA. The Latarjet coracoid process transfer procedure: alterations in the neurovascular structures. Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery / American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons ... [et al.]. 2013 May;22(22). 695-700.
Alamanda VK, Crosby SN, Archer KR, Song Y, Schwartz HS, Holt GE. Predictors and clinical significance of local recurrence in extremity soft tissue sarcoma. Acta oncologica (Stockholm, Sweden). 2013 May;52(52). 793-802.
Moore DC, Yoneda ZT, Powell M, Howard DL, Jahangir AA, Archer KR, Ehrenfeld JM, Obremskey WT, Sethi MK. Gunshot victims at a major level I trauma center: a study of 343,866 emergency department visits. The Journal of emergency medicine. 2013 Mar;44(44). 585-91.
Moore DC, Sellers MH, Archer KR, Schwartz HS, Holt GE. Staples equal sutures for skin closure after soft tissue tumor resection. Clinical orthopaedics and related research. 2013 Mar;471(471). 899-904.
Alamanda VK, Crosby SN, Mathis SL, Archer KR, Terhune KP, Holt GE. Influence of resident education in correctly diagnosing extremity soft tissue sarcoma. Sarcoma. 2013(2013). 679323 p.
Alamanda VK, Crosby SN, Archer KR, Song Y, Schwartz HS, Holt GE. Amputation for extremity soft tissue sarcoma does not increase overall survival: a retrospective cohort study. European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology. 2012 Dec;38(38). 1178-83.
Archer KR, Phelps KD, Seebach CL, Song Y, Riley LH, Wegener ST. Comparative study of short forms of the Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia: fear of movement in a surgical spine population. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. 2012 Aug;93(93). 1460-2.
Douglas K, Cannada LK, Archer KR, Dean DB, Lee S, Obremskey W. Incidence and risk factors of heterotopic ossification following major elbow trauma. Orthopedics. 2012 Jun;35(35). e815-22.
Alamanda VK, Crosby SN, Archer KR, Song Y, Schwartz HS, Holt GE. Primary excision compared with re-excision of extremity soft tissue sarcomas--is anything new? Journal of surgical oncology. 2012 Jun 1;105(105). 662-7.
Jackson JC, Ely EW, Morey MC, Anderson VM, Denne LB, Clune J, Siebert CS, Archer KR, Torres R, Janz D, Schiro E, Jones J, Shintani AK, Levine B, Pun BT, Thompson J, Brummel NE, Hoenig H. Cognitive and physical rehabilitation of intensive care unit survivors: results of the RETURN randomized controlled pilot investigation. Critical care medicine. 2012 Apr;40(40). 1088-97. NIHMSID: NIHMS331857.
Archer KR, Castillo RC, Wegener ST, Abraham CM, Obremskey WT. Pain and satisfaction in hospitalized trauma patients: the importance of self-efficacy and psychological distress. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery. 2012 Apr;72(72). 1068-77.
Seebach CL, Kirkhart M, Lating JM, Wegener ST, Song Y, Riley LH, Archer KR. Examining the role of positive and negative affect in recovery from spine surgery. Pain. 2012 Mar;153(153). 518-25.
Ficke JR, Obremskey WT, Gaines RJ, Pasquina PF, Bosse MJ, Mamczak CN, O'Toole RV, Archer KR, Born CT, Fleming ME, Watson JT, Gordon WT, Stannard JP, Rispoli DM, Mackenzie EJ, Wenke JC, Hsu JR, Pollak AN, Andersen RC. Reprioritization of research for combat casualty care. The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 20 Suppl 1(20 Suppl 1). S99-102.
Gordon WT, Stannard JP, Pasquina PF, Archer KR. Evolution of orthopaedic rehabilitation care. The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 20 Suppl 1(20 Suppl 1). S80-3.
Richards JE, Guillamondegui OD, Archer KR, Jackson JC, Ely EW, Obremskey WT. The association of reamed intramedullary nailing and long-term cognitive impairment. Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 2011 Dec;25(25). 707-13. NIHMSID: NIHMS307034.
Obremskey WT, Archer KR. Research: getting started in an academic setting. Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 2011 Dec;25 Suppl 3(25 Suppl 3). S124-7.
Jackson JC, Archer KR, Bauer R, Abraham CM, Song Y, Greevey R, Guillamondegui O, Ely EW, Obremskey W. A prospective investigation of long-term cognitive impairment and psychological distress in moderately versus severely injured trauma intensive care unit survivors without intracranial hemorrhage. The Journal of trauma. 2011 Oct;71(71). 860-6.
Archer KR, Wegener ST, Seebach C, Song Y, Skolasky RL, Thornton C, Khanna AJ, Riley LH. The effect of fear of movement beliefs on pain and disability after surgery for lumbar and cervical degenerative conditions. Spine. 2011 Sep 1;36(36). 1554-62.
Archer KR, Abraham CM, Song Y, Obremskey WT. Cognitive-Behavioral Determinants of Pain and Disability 2 Years After Traumatic Injury: A Cross-Sectional Survey Study. The Journal of trauma. 2011 Jul 29.
O'Neill KR, Smith JG, Abtahi AM, Archer KR, Spengler DM, McGirt MJ, Devin CJ. Reduced surgical site infections in patients undergoing posterior spinal stabilization of traumatic injuries using vancomycin powder. The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society. 2011 Jul;11(11). 641-6.
Guillamondegui OD, Richards JE, Ely EW, Jackson JC, Archer KR, Archer-Swygert K, Norris PR, Obremskey WT. Does hypoxia affect intensive care unit delirium or long-term cognitive impairment after multiple trauma without intracranial hemorrhage? The Journal of trauma. 2011 Apr;70(70). 910-5.
Freehill MT, Ebel BG, Archer KR, Bancells RL, Wilckens JH, McFarland EG, Cosgarea AJ. Glenohumeral range of motion in major league pitchers: changes over the playing season. Sports health. 2011 Jan;3(3). 97-104.
Archer KR, Castillo RC, MacKenzie EJ, Bosse MJ. Perceived need and unmet need for vocational, mental health, and other support services after severe lower-extremity trauma. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. 2010 May;91(91). 774-80.
Archer KR, Mackenzie EJ, Castillo RC, Bosse MJ. Orthopedic surgeons and physical therapists differ in assessment of need for physical therapy after traumatic lower-extremity injury. Physical therapy. 2009 Dec;89(89). 1337-49.
Archer KR, MacKenzie EJ, Bosse MJ, Pollak AN, Riley LH. Factors associated with surgeon referral for physical therapy in patients with traumatic lower-extremity injury: results of a national survey of orthopedic trauma surgeons. Physical therapy. 2009 Sep;89(89). 893-905.
Castillo RC, MacKenzie EJ, Archer KR, Bosse MJ, Webb LX. Evidence of beneficial effect of physical therapy after lower-extremity trauma. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. 2008 Oct;89(89). 1873-9.
Archer KR, Castillo RC, Mackenzie EJ, Bosse MJ. Gait symmetry and walking speed analysis following lower-extremity trauma. Physical therapy. 2006 Dec;86(86). 1630-40.
Archer KR, Castillo RC, Mackenzie EJ, Bosse MJ. Physical disability after severe lower-extremity injury. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. 2006 Aug;87(87). 1153-5.
Archer KR. Obituary: John Joseph Bourke. The New Zealand medical journal. 1975 Mar 12;81(81). 263-4.