Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Resident Research Day

The PM&R Resident Research Day is an annual symposium to showcase resident research projects. This half-day event in May includes an invited guest professor who kicks off the event with a lecture followed by resident presentations. At the end of the event, selected faculty judges score presentations based on categories of criteria for “Best Research” and “Best Oral Presentation.”

6th Annual Resident Research Day 2024

The 2024 invited guest professor was James W. Atchison, D.O., Chair, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Mayo Clinic Hospital, Jacksonville FL and Program Director, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Residency Program (Florida), Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science. A nationally recognized teacher and researcher, Dr. Atchison has received multiple awards and honors, including the Musculoskeletal and Pain Council Volunteer of the Year Award (2011) American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AAPM&R), Distinguished Clinician Award (2010) AAPM&R, and Exemplary Teacher, University of Florida College of Medicine (2003). 

Congratulations to Our 6th Annual Resident Research Day Winners

Best Research

William Galbraith, D.O., PGY-4

"Expectation Versus Reality with Outcomes of Epidural Steroid Injections"

Best Oral Presentation

Devon Shannon, M.D., PGY-3

"Clinical Effectiveness of Ultrasound Guided Tendon Sheath Ketorolac Injections for Patients with Elbow Epicondylopathy: A Case Series"

PAST Resident Research Programs 

5th Annual Resident Research Day 2023

The 2023 Resident Research day invited guest professor was Dr. Joel Press, M.D., Physiatrist-in-Chief, Joel and Anne Ehrenkranz Chair in Physiatry, Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City and Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College. He has published and edited multiple articles and textbooks, chaired numerous courses, and lectures extensively nationally and internationally on the rehabilitation of spine and sports-related injuries. Dr. Press is a Diplomat of the National Board of Medical Examiners and board certified by the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine. He has been an Oral Board Examiner and Written Board Examination-item writer for the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and is a Past President of the following organizations: American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, North American Spine Society, and the Physiatric Association of Spine, Sports and Occupational Rehabilitation.

Congratulations to Our 5th Annual Resident Research Day Winners

2023 RRD Garner and Shannon with Press

Best Research

James Gardner, M.D., Chief Resident, PGY-4

"Evidence for the Validation of a Single Item Recovery Question (SIRQ) in Children with Mild and Complicated Mild Traumatic Brain Injury"

Abstract Available Here

Best Oral Presentation

Devon Shannon, M.D., PGY-2

"Top Medical Schools Producing PM&R Residents"

Abstract Available Here