In the News

PUBLICATION: VUMC Geriatric Psychiatry Researchers publish early report from multi-site REMBRANDT study examining relapse in recurrent late-life depression

This publication in Psychological Medicine is part of a collaboration between VUMC Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and researchers at University of Pittsburgh, and University of Illinois-Chicago.  This is an early report from the REMBRANDT study examining clinical and biological predictors of relapse in recurrent late-life depression

Heather Ward, MD awarded NIDA grant to explore brain stimulation to reduce addiction among intractable smokers

Dr. Heather Burrell Ward, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Director of Neuromodulation Research was recently awarded a 5-year grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse to test non-invasive brain stimulation treatments for people with schizophrenia and nicotine dependence. This research was highlighted in Discoveries in Medicine. 

R01 funding awarded to Julia Sheffield, PhD et al to study delusions associated with schizophrenia

The NIMH has recently funded a new R01 to study the computational, cognitive and neurobiological mechanisms underlying delusions in individuals with schizophrenia. Dr. Sheffield is the PI of the study with Co-I's Stephan Heckers, Aaron Brinen, Neil Woodward, Baxter Rogers, Jinyuan Liu and Philip Corlett (Yale School of Medicine). The grant will fund a 5-year clinical trial providing 16-weeks of psychotherapy for individuals with schizophrenia and strongly held paranoia.

Effects of open-label transdermal nicotine antidepressant augmentation on affective symptoms and executive function in late-life depression

A recent report from faculty and staff in the Vanderbilt Division of Geriatric Psychiatry demonstrates the potential benefit of adding transdermal nicotine patches to standard antidepressant medications for older adults with depression.  The open-label study found that administration of nicotine patches safely resulted in improvement in mood and some measures of cognitive performance.  This study supports that further work is needed, such as the ongoing placebo-controlled trial currently underway in the Vanderbilt Division of Geriatric Psychiatry.

VUMC Discoveries in Medicine - Hypnosis Diminishes Pain, Urinary-Tract Symptoms - Lindsey McKernan, PhD

Hypnosis Diminishes Pain, Urinary-Tract Symptoms Author and @VUMCPsych faculty Lindsey McKernan @LCMPhD states “It was exciting to see that we can change the urologic symptoms with a method that doesn’t use medications" @VUMCDiscoveries Learn more at:…

Impact of inpatient addiction psychiatry consultation on opioid use disorder outcomes - Kristopher Kast - The American Journal on Addictions

A study published by Kristopher Kast & peers demonstrates improved opioid use disorder outcomes associated with addiction psychiatry consultation in the general hospital. Patients receiving consultation were more likely to receive MOUD & to have fewer ED & hospital readmissions. Impact of inpatient addiction psychiatry consultation on opioid use disorder outcomes - Kast - The American Journal on Addictions - Wiley Online Library