In the News

R01 funding awarded to Julia Sheffield, PhD et al to study delusions associated with schizophrenia

The NIMH has recently funded a new R01 to study the computational, cognitive and neurobiological mechanisms underlying delusions in individuals with schizophrenia. Dr. Sheffield is the PI of the study with Co-I's Stephan Heckers, Aaron Brinen, Neil Woodward, Baxter Rogers, Jinyuan Liu and Philip Corlett (Yale School of Medicine). The grant will fund a 5-year clinical trial providing 16-weeks of psychotherapy for individuals with schizophrenia and strongly held paranoia.

Deutch published in Schizophrenia Bulletin

Ariel Y. Deutch, Ph.D., James G Blakemore Chair and Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences and professor of Pharmacology, has had a new paper, "(Micro)Glia as effectors of cortical volume loss in schizophrenia" published in the journal Schizophrenia Bulletin. Mallya AP, Deutch AY (2018) (Micro)Glia as effectors of cortical volume loss in schizophrenia.  Schizophrenia Bulletin, In press.  (no DOI yet received)

Deutch report on schizophrenia published by DANA Foundation

An invited report by Ariel Y. Deutch, Ph.D., James G. Blakemore Chair and Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences and Professor of Pharmacology, was recently published by the DANA Foundation. Dr. Deutch was appointed of Associate Editor of npjSchizophrenia. Click here to read the DANA Foundation report, titled "Finding Clues to Schizophrenia Outside Neurons."