Nuclear Medicine Residency Curriculum


The first year of the program will be oriented to the development of general clinical and laboratory skills. During this period each Nuclear Medicine Physicians-in-Training (NMPIT) will receive approximately 80 hours of didactic training in physics, radiobiology, instrumentation, dosimetry, radiopharmacy and in vivo and in vitro clinical nuclear medicine. Lectures are given by individuals with expertise in each of these areas.

Each NMPIT will be expected to interact on a daily basis with correlative images such as ultrasound, CT, MRI, and plain x-ray. This is enhanced by the geographic integration of nuclear medicine into the radiology area and by PACS. NMPIT clinical rotations include general nuclear medicine (VUH and VAMC), PET/CT (VUH and VAMC) and nuclear cardiology (VUH and VAMC); pediatric cases from the Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital (VCH) are integrated into the daily work flow at VUH. Vanderbilt University Hospital (VUH), Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital, and the Nashville VA Medical Center (VAMC) him as well as the Vanderbilt University Imaging Institute are all on a unified campus.  

In the first year, each NMPIT will spend 1-2 weeks in the preparation and dispensing of radiopharmaceuticals in the radiopharmacy area under the direction of the radiopharmacists. 

During the second and third years of the program, each NMPIT will continue to have clinical responsibilities but will also be expected to undertake a significant clinical or laboratory project. This research activity will begin in the last half of the first year, but is expected to intensify during the second year. Additional time will also be spent in the in vitro laboratories, participating in the performance and supervision of in vitro assays and cell-labeling techniques. One or two rotations through CT will be arranged for those NMPITs who have not completed a radiology residency, radiation oncology residency or who do not plan to proceed to a radiology or radiation oncology residency.

The program is designed to be flexible in that each NMPIT will have the opportunity to cultivate specific interests. For example, the radiology-based NMPIT is expected to have a greater interest in the correlative nature of this specialty whereas an internal medicine-based NMPIT may have more interest in the impact of nuclear medicine on patient management.

The rate and degree of shift from pure clinical work to research is determined both by the staff evaluation of the resident’s competence in the clinical sphere and by the trainee’s own degree of interest in undertaking clinical or basic investigative projects.

  • NMPIT training includes the following:

    • Physics
    • Mathematics and statistics of nuclear medicine
    • Instrumentation and computer science
    • Radiation biology and protection
    • Radiopharmacy
    • Diagnostic nuclear medicine imaging
    • Nuclear cardiology
    • Single photon emission computed tomography
    • Positron emission tomography
    • Computed tomography
    • Radioimmunoassay
    • In vitro radionuclide procedures
    • Radioisotope therapy
    Non-Imaging Training

    NMPITs receive didactic lectures covering the principles and applications of plasma clearance techniques. In addition, practical experience is gained by laboratory rotations during which NMPITs perform analysis under the direction of the in vitro laboratory technologists.

    In Vivo Imaging Training

    A strong point of the Vanderbilt Nuclear Medicine Residency Program is the close coordination of all imaging modalities. Due to the physical proximity of radiology services and nuclear medicine there is a continuous exchange of information between residents and faculty on the various rotations.

    The PET center has been operational at Vanderbilt since 1990 and is integrated into Nuclear Medicine and PACS. The current combined PET-CT instrument demands correlation of the PET image data with CT images for each patient. PACS enhances correlation with other modalities such as MR. Each NMPIT spends 2-4 months in PET each year.

    With respect to cardiac imaging, the NMPIT actively participates in the selection of the appropriate radiopharmaceutical, type of study and the actual stressing of the patient as well as in the interpretation of results. The NMPITs are ACLS-trained and involved in the management of cardiac emergencies including EKG interpretation and cardiopulmonary life support. Cath correlation is performed monthly and each NMPIT is exposed to cardiac CTA and MR. Instruction in interpretation of cardiac CTA is available.

    Cardiac imaging has benefited from the integration of cardiac PET. Perfusion PET studies are performed using 13N-Ammonia and metabolic studies using 18F-FDG. Quantification of perfusion and metabolism is performed on selected cardiac scans using application of mathematics to tracer kinetics and compartmental modeling.

    Therapy Training

    As part of the clinical radiation safety and radiobiology lectures, NMPITs receive instruction in the use of unsealed sources. This material covers the use of I-131 in the treatment of hyperthyroidism and thyroid cancer, Lu-177 DOTA-TATE (Lutathera), Strontium-89/Samarium-153/Radium-223 for treatment of painful bone metastases as well as phosphorous-32 in the treatment of polycythemia vera and malignant effusions. Radiation safety specifically covers the precautions to be employed during the administration of large therapeutic doses of these isotopes and in the procedures to be followed in the event of emergency surgery or death of patients containing therapeutic quantities of radionuclides. NMPITs also participate in the treatment of patients with neuroendocrine tumors using Lu-177 DOTA-TATE and the infusion of Y-90 Microspheres for hepatic malignancies.

    Radiation Emergencies Training

    All individuals working with radionuclides undergo a series of lectures covering the precautions and procedures to be used when handling these materials. As part of the training, safety measures to be followed in the case of minor and major spills and personnel contamination are emphasized. In all instances the radiation safety officer is notified immediately and coordinates the decontamination effort. NMPITs at the institution where the accident occurred are contacted and expected to aid in the survey and cleanup under the direction of the radiation safety officer. Medical management of persons overexposed to ionizing radiation is carried out by staff from Nuclear Medicine, Radiological Sciences and Radiation Oncology as deemed appropriate. Mass casualty situations follow Vanderbilt’s mass casualty plan and may include residents. All radioactive waste is disposed of through the Department of Institutional Safety’s radioactive waste management program.

  • NMPIT Expectations:
    1. NMPIT is expected to be familiar with and to follow all policies of the Handbook, the Dept. of Radiology, Radiation Safety and VUMC.
    2. NMPIT is ultimately responsible for the coverage of the services at VUH, VCH and VAMC.
    3. NMPIT with the Radiology Chief Resident is responsible for the supervision of the radiology residents on the service, including coordination of coverage for the service(s).
    4. NMPIT is ultimately responsible for assuring that all cardiac patients at VUH and VAMC are stressed in a timely manner.
    5. NMPIT is expected to attend the weekly VA NM conference, the monthly cath correlation conference, the PET/CT conference (Thursday, 8 a.m.), the monthly VUH QA meetings, quarterly Journal Club, and nuclear medicine/cardiology conferences (noon, etc.), and all of the physics lectures. NMPIT is strongly encouraged to attend the Department of Radiology daily noon conferences, the Radiology Grand Rounds, and the monthly nuclear medicine research conferences.
    6. NMPIT is responsible for the organization on a timely basis of the VAMC weekly conference, the noon conferences, and journal clubs. Presenters for journal clubs are expected to prepare PowerPoint presentations and know the appropriate background material. All attendees are expected to critically read the assigned articles prior to the meeting.
    7. NMPIT is encouraged to join the Society of Nuclear Medicine and subscribe to and read the Journal of Nuclear Medicine. (Resources: Residents)
    8. NMPIT is expected to participate in a research project and to present abstracts and/or posters at SNM, RSNA or SECSNM; the publication of at least one abstract per year is expected.
    9. NMPIT will be responsible for teaching the nuclear medicine technology students including didactic presentations and to make presentations to the medical students as the need arises.
    10. Vacations must be coordinated with the NM Program Director and the VA Chief as well as with the other NMPITs and with the Radiology Chief Residents. Only one NMPIT at a time should be scheduled to be away. In general, vacation time is not permitted the last week of June, the first week of July, or the week of RSNA/SNM/SECSNM annual meetings. There are Departmental policies regarding vacation time and meeting participation. Senior NMPITs will have priority in June.
    11. NMPIT is expected to take the ABNM exams and/or the ABR special competency exams; there is an in-service nuclear medicine exam each January which is mandatory, the results of which will be part of the written evaluations for each NMPIT.
    12. NMPIT is expected to spend time with the technologists and with the radiopharmacists early in the year as per the manual; NMPIT should be able to process SPECT and PET/CT studies by the end of December.
    Knowledge-Based Objectives:

    At the end of the residency, the NMPIT should be able to:

    1. Demonstrate sufficient knowledge of medicine and apply this knowledge to nuclear medicine and radiological studies in a clinical context to generate meaningful differential diagnoses.
    2. Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of research design and implementation.
    3. Understand how nuclear medicine and radiologic equipment can be used to generate appropriate and diagnostic images.
    4. Demonstrate knowledge of the levels of ionizing radiation related to specific imaging procedures and employ measures to minimize radiation dose to the patient.
    5. Demonstrate the ability to use the Internet as an educational instrument to expand medical knowledge.
    6. Demonstrate knowledge of issues of impairment (i.e. physical, mental and alcohol and substance abuse), obligations for impaired physician reporting, and resources and options for care of self-impairment or impaired colleagues.
    7. Demonstrate an understanding of broad principles of biomedical ethics.
    8. Demonstrate principles of confidentiality with all information transmitted during a patient encounter.
    9. Demonstrate knowledge of regulatory issues pertaining to the use of human subjects in research.
    10. Demonstrate the ability to design cost-effective care plans based on knowledge of best practices.
    11. Demonstrate knowledge of the sources of financing for U.S. health care including Medicare, Medicaid, the Veteran’s Affairs and Department of Defense, public health systems, employer-based private health plans, and patient’s own funds.
    12. Demonstrate knowledge of basic health care reimbursement methods.
    13. Demonstrate knowledge of the regulatory environment including state licensing authority, state and local public health rules and regulations, and regulatory agencies such as Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) and Joint Commission for the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO).
    14. Demonstrate knowledge of basic practice management principles such as budgeting, record keeping, medical records, and the recruitment, hiring, supervision and management of staff.
    Technical Skills:

    At the end of the residency, the NMPIT should be able to:

    1. Actively participate in preparing and moderating multi-disciplinary conferences.
    2. Provide a clear and informative written radiologic report including a precise diagnosis whenever possible, a differential diagnosis when appropriate, and recommended follow- up or additional studies when appropriate.
    3. Provide direct communication to the referring physician or appropriate clinical personnel when interpretation reveals an urgent or unexpected finding and document this communication in the radiologic report.
    4. Demonstrate effective skills of face-to-face listening and speaking with physicians, patients, patient’s families and support personnel.
    5. Demonstrate appropriate telephone communication skills.
    6. Demonstrate skills in obtaining informed consent, including effective communication to patients of the procedure, alternatives and possible complications.
    7. Counsel patients concerning preparation for diagnostic testing.
    8. Demonstrate the ability to use all relevant information resources to acquire evidence- based data, including electronic patient information systems.
    9. Analyze practice experience and perform practice-based improvement in cognitive knowledge, observational skills, formulating a synthesis and impression, and procedural skills.
    10. Demonstrate critical assessment of the scientific literature.
    11. Demonstrate knowledge of and apply the principles of evidence-based medicine in practice.
    12. Facilitate the learning of students, peers and other health care professionals.
    13. Demonstrate positive work habits, including punctuality and professional appearance.
    Decision Making/Value Judgment Skills:

    At the end of the residency, the NMPIT should be able to:

    1. Participate as an active member of the nuclear medicine team by communicating face-to- face with clinicians, answering the telephone, providing consultations, problem solving and decision-making.
    2. Act as the contact person for technologists and nurses in managing patient and imaging issues; oversee diagnostic imaging to ensure adequacy of studies performed.
    3. Develop a diagnostic plan based upon the clinical questions and relevant clinical, radiologic, and pathologic information.
    4. Use multiple sources, including information technology to optimize life-long learning and support patient care decisions.
    5. Actively participate in departmental or institutional quality assurance (QA)/quality improvement (QI) activities with faculty supervision.
    6. Demonstrate altruism (putting the interests of patients and others above own self- interest).
    7. Demonstrate compassion: be understanding and respectful of the patients, patient families, and staff and physicians caring for patients.
    8. Demonstrate excellence: perform responsibilities at the highest level and continue active learning throughout one’s career.
    9. Be honest with patients and all members of the health care team.
    10. Demonstrate honor and integrity: avoid conflicts of interest when accepting gifts from patients or vendors.
    11. Interact with others without discriminating on the basis of religious, ethnic, sexual or educational differences and without employing sexual or other types of harassment.
  • We are required by ACGME to document the educational experience of our NMPITs. In order to receive credit, you are required to do the following:

    1. Attend physics lectures and sign the attendance sheet.
    2. Pass the physics exam given at the end of the course.
    3. Complete all workstations for radiopharmacy, quality control, PET/CT clinical, and PET radiochemistry and return the performance sheets signed by the supervisor (copy enclosed) to the program director.
    4. Keep a log book of the therapies in which you have participated. Fill out the therapy sheet and return it to the program director.
    5. Complete the rotation/faculty evaluation forms through New Innovations.

    Clinical faculty will evaluate each NMPIT in writing monthly through New Innovations. Basic sciences faculty will evaluate NMPITs at the end of the physics lecture series, and Radiopharmacy faculty at the end of the year. The technologists and nurses will evaluate NMPITs semi-annually. The student technologists will also provide evaluations of your teaching performance. All forms are returned to the program director and will be reviewed at the teaching staff meeting every six months. See Department of Radiology Policies on Selection, Evaluation, Promotion and Dismissal.

    Credentialing for Nuclear Medicine/PET

    Credentialing for Nuclear Medicine will include successful completion of the American Board of Nuclear Medicine or American Board of Radiology with special competence in Nuclear Radiology and will provide authorized user status.

    Candidates must have educational experience in the following areas:

    1. Physical Sciences: Structure of matter, modes of radioactive decay, particle and photon emission, and interaction of radiation with matter.
    2. Instrumentation: Principles of instrumentation used in detection, measurement and imaging of radioactivity with special emphasis on gamma cameras, including single photon and positron emission tomographic devices, and associated-electronic instrumentation and computers employed in image production and display.
    3. Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Sciences: Probability distributions, medical decision making, basic aspects of computer structure, function, programming and processing, applications of mathematics to tracer kinetics, compartmental modeling, and quantification of physiologic processes.
    4. Radiation Biology and Protection: Biological effects of ionizing radiation, means of reducing radiation exposure, calculation of the radiation dose, evaluation of radiation overexposure, medical management of persons overexposed to ionizing radiation, management and disposal of radioactive substances, and establishment of radiation safety programs in accordance with federal and state regulations.
    5. Radiopharmaceuticals: Reactor, cyclotron and generator production of radionuclides, radiochemistry, pharmacokinetics and formulation of radiopharmaceuticals.
    6. Quality Assurance: Principles of quality assurance, efficacy assessment and compliance with MRC and JCAHO regulations.

    Provisions covered under this credentialing include the performance, supervision and interpretation of:

    1. Diagnostic imaging studies including:
      1. External detectors
      2. Scintillation cameras
      3. Single photon tomography
      4. Positron emission tomography
      5. Exercise and pharmacologic stress testing including the pharmacology of cardioactive drugs
      6. Physiological gating techniques
      7. Patient monitoring during interventional procedures
      8. Management of cardiac emergencies including electrocardiographic interpretation and cardiopulmonary life support
      9. Correlation of nuclear medicine procedures with other pertinent imaging modalities such as angiography, computed tomography, ultrasonography, and nuclear magnetic resonance imaging
    2. Non-imaging studies including: 
      1. ​Preparation of radiolabeled WBC
      2. Measurement of organ function; glomerular filtration rate
      3. Plasma volume/red cell mass 
      4. Urea breath test
    3. Therapeutic uses of unsealed radiopharmaceuticals: 
      1. Patient selection and management including dose administration and dosimetry
      2. Radiation toxicity and radiation protection considerations in the treatment of metastatic cancer and bone pain, primary neoplasms, solid tumors, and malignant effusions.
      3. Treatment of hematologic and metabolic disorders
    Credentialing for Cardiovascular Nuclear Medicine/Cardiac PET/CT

    For Cardiovascular Nuclear Medicine/Cardiac PET/CT, successful completion of the American Board of Nuclear Medicine or American Board of Cardiology with 12 months training in an accredited Nuclear Cardiology program, or American Board of Radiology.

    Candidates must have educational experience in the following areas:

    1. Physical Science: Structure of matter, modes of radioactive decay, particle and photon emissions, and interactions of radiation with matter
    2. Instrumentation: Principles of instrumentation used in detection, measurement and imaging of radioactivity with special emphasis on gamma cameras, including single photon and positron emission tomographic devices, and associated electronic instrumentation and computers employed in image production and display
    3. Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Sciences: Probability distributions, medical decision making, basic aspects of computer structure, function, programming and processing, applications of mathematics to tracer kinetics, compartmental modeling, and quantification of physiologic processes
    4. Radiation Biology and Protection: Biological effects of ionizing radiation, means of reducing radiation exposures, calculation of the radiation dose, evaluation of radiation overexposure, medical management of persons overexposed to ionizing radiation, management and disposal of radioactive substances, and establishment of radiation safety programs in accordance with federal and state regulations.
    5. Radiopharmaceuticals: Reactor, cyclotron and generator production of radionuclides, radiochemistry, pharmacokinetics and formulation of radiopharmaceuticals.
    6. Quality Assurance: Principles of quality assurance, efficacy assessment and compliance with NRC and JCAHO regulations.

    Procedures under this credentialing include the selection of the appropriate studies, performance, supervision and interpretation of:

    1. Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy using different SPECT and PET/CT radiopharmaceuticals
    2. Myocardial infarct avid imaging
    3. Cardiac blood pool imaging with the gated equilibrium technique
    4. Cardiac blood pool imaging with the first pass technique
    5. Cardiac flow imaging (angiocardiography) for cardiac valvular disease and intracardiac and great vessels shunts
    6. Vascular flow imaging (peripheral angiography)
    7. Venous thrombosis imaging (venography)
    8. Iodine-123-MIBG imaging
    9. Cardiac amyloid imaging using Tc99m-Pyrophosphate

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