Select and Schedule an Imaging Exam

Select and Schedule the Best Exam for a Patient

Consult the ACR Appropriateness Criteria

The ACR Appropriateness Criteria are evidence-based guidelines developed to assist referring physicians and other providers in making the most appropriate imaging or treatment decision for a specific clinical condition. These guidelines cover over 200 clinical conditions. To search for the best option for your patient, click here.

Schedule an Imaging Exam

Every attempt is made to find a day and time that is convenient for the patient and referring provider. Urgent requests are scheduled as quickly as possible.

Non-VUMC providers ordering a Diagnostic Imaging exam should complete our Order Form and fax it to (615) 322-0793. Please note, the order form must be completed in its entirety to be considered valid. Orders should be signed by the referring provider, nurse practitioner or physician assistant. We cannot accept verbal orders or order forms signed by RNs, LPNs, or medical assistants. 

  • CT- or Ultrasound-Guided Procedure: 

    To request a non-urgent CT- or ultrasound-guided procedure, VUMC providers should place a "Consult for an Image-Guided Procedure-CON11119" order in eStar. Non-VUMC providers should complete our Order Form and fax it to (615) 936-3242. All requests are sent for clinical review prior to scheduling.

    If the procedure is approved, our schedulers will contact the patient or clinic to schedule the procedure. If the procedure is denied, our clinicians will contact the requesting provider to discuss the case.

    For scheduling questions or urgent requests, call (615) 343-4281. Our normal business hours are Monday through Friday, 7:00am-4:30pm.

  • IR Procedure: 

    To request a non-urgent IR procedure, VUMC providers should place a "Outpatient Consult to Adult Interventional Radiology-CON45" order in eStar. Non-VUMC providers should complete our Order Form and fax it to (615) 936-3242. Most requests are sent for clinical review prior to scheduling.

    If the procedure is approved, our schedulers will contact the patient or clinic to schedule the procedure. If the procedure is denied, our clinicians will contact the requesting provider to discuss the case.

    For scheduling questions or urgent requests, call (615) 343-4281. Our normal business hours are Monday through Friday, 7:00am-4:30pm.

    IR Procedure: Urgent/Emergent/Same Day

    To request an urgent IR procedure, page (615) 835-5105, which will be answered by the IR fellow on consults. If procedure is approved, a "consult to IR" order should be placed in eStar. The IR fellow will review the record, see the patient, and make a treatment plan. We can schedule urgent, same day IR procedures for VUMC inpatients 24/7 and for outpatients during regular business hours Monday through Friday. 

Contact Us

For Academic Medicine inquiries, email us here.

If you're a patient seeking information, please visit Vanderbilt Health's Radiology website.

For information on Medical Records, please click here.

(615) 343-2617

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