Andreotti, ACR O-RADS Committee Meet to Discuss Ultrasound, MRI Risk Stratification and Management System

Rochelle Andreotti, M.D., Professor of Clinical Radiology and Radiological Sciences and Obstetrics and Gynecology, recently met with the American College of Radiology’s (ACR) Ovarian-Adnexal Imaging Reporting and Data System (O-RADS) Committee at ACR Headquarters in Reston, Virginia, to discuss the new risk stratification and management system for ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

The committee, chaired by Dr. Andreotti since its implementation in June 2015, is comprised of radiologists specializing in ultrasound and MRI, gynecologists, as well as a consultant gynecologic oncologists and gynecologic pathologists from North America and Europe. Together, they are developing evidence- and consensus-based terminology and a risk stratification system for ovarian-adnexal imaging.

Steering committees for each modality – ultrasound and MRI – were established and have met virtually each month to discuss terminology. During that time, the entire membership participated in surveys and conference calls to rate, vote and discuss the terms until a consensus was reached.

“The ultrasound and MRI lexicons were completed in parallel tracks by consensus through the Delphi method with ultrasound being the primary modality and MRI being the problem-solving tool,” said Dr. Andreotti. “The imagers on the committees performed the initial work of reviewing literature and collecting terms for the lexicon.”

During the committee meeting in Reston, steering committee members who were also involved in the development of the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound consensus conference on ovarian and adnexal cysts, the International Consensus Conference on Adnexal Masses, the IOTA Simple Rules/ADNEX scoring model and the MRI Adnexal Scoring System, presented insights and data for the new system.

“The committee members successfully worked through the terms that reached consensus from the Delphi process and created a preliminary risk stratification system for both ultrasound and MRI,” said Dr. Andreotti. “Next step for the committee is to continue to develop the risk stratification and management system based on a preliminary risk stratification model developed during the meeting.”

Dr. Andreotti expects two publications in 2018, an ultrasound and a MRI lexicon paper, which will provide standardized descriptors laying the groundwork for a third publication, likely the following year, that will be an overview of the risk management system for both modalities. She anticipates the implementation of the system at this time. Once implemented, O-RADS will be among multiple ACR reporting and data systems that streamline imaging technology, report organization, assessment structure and classification in patient imaging.

Dr. Andreotti acknowledges the efforts of several key people in this process - the exceptional ACR staff, Mythreyi Chatfield and Lauren Hicks, in addition to vital contributions of vice–chair Phyllis Glanc and chair of the MRI sub-committee Caroline Reinhold.



The O-RADS Committee at the ACR Headquarters in Reston, Virginia

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