2019 Vanderbilt Radiology RSNA Roundup

Last week, faculty and trainees in the Department of Radiology attended the Radiological Society of North America’s (RSNA) 105th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting in Chicago. 

Each year, over 50,000 radiology professionals from around the world converge on McCormick Place for a week of plenary and specialty sessions, education and technical exhibits, networking opportunities and more. A total of four education exhibits and three scientific papers authored or coauthored by Vanderbilt Radiology faculty and trainees were accepted for presentation. A total of nine education courses were also presented by faculty. A comprehensive list is provided below. 

Scientific Papers

  • “White Matter Changes Near to and Distant from Chronic Black Holes in Multiple Sclerosis” – Dhairya Lakhani, MD; Giulia Franco; Aneri Balar; Seth Smith, PhDJunzhong Xu, PhDRichard Dortch, PhD; Francesca Bagnato, MD
  • “Comparing Selective Inversion Recovery Quantitative Magnetization Transfer and Diffusion Tensor Imaging to Assess Myelin Integrity in Multiple Sclerosis” – Dhairya Lakhani, MD; Giulia Franco; Michael Kammer; Aneri Balar; Fie Ye; Run Fan; Ipek Oguz; Seth Smith, PhDJunzhong Xu, PhDRichard Dortch, PhD; Francesca Bagnato, MD
  • “Evaluation of Microscopic Hematuria by Renal Ultrasound to Detect Upper Tract  Malignancy: A 20-year Experience in a Community Hospital” – Matthew Smith, MD, PhD; Keaton Read; Matthew Stegman, MD; Neil Kroll, MD; Marvin van Every, MD

Education Exhibit

  • “Update on Ovarian Neoplasm: What Radiologists Need to Know on Clinical, Laboratory and an Algorithmic Imaging Approach to Benign versus Malignant Neoplasms” – Margarita Revzin, MD; Suraj Rambhia, MD; John Pellerito, MD; Arthur Fleischer, MD; Christine Menias, MD; Douglas Katz, MD; Mariam Moshiri, MD
  • “Who’s this Fella Near the Sella? An Approach to Sella and Parasellar Masses”- Josephine Ndolo, MBChBJoe Aulino, MDCourtney Tomblinson, MD
  • “Establishing a Minimally Invasive Localized Prostate Cancer Treatment Service Line: A Comprehensive Resource”– LeAnn Shannon, MD; Aytekin Oto, MD; Steven Raman, MD; Sangeet Ghai, MD; Jurgen Futterer, MD, PhD; Sandeep Arora, MBBS; Eric Walser, MD; Jason Ross, MD; Mittul Gulati, MD; Kristen Scarpato; Varaha Tammisetti, MD; Sherif Nour, MD; Andre Abreu, MD; Karthik Sundaram, MD, PhD; David Penson, MD  
  • “A Pictoral Review of Electromagnetic Wave Reflector Breast Localization Device Placement Techniques” – Ariel Kniss, PhD; Katie Davis, DOChristine Dove, MD; Barbara Konz, RN; Jennifer Lewis, MD; Lucy Spalluto, MD

Education Courses

  • Lucy Spalluto, MD
    • “Patient Engagement and Comparative Effectiveness Research in Imaging”
    • “Equity and Access to Imaging”
    • “Formal Programs for Mentoring Women in Radiology”
  • Marta Hernanz-Schulman, MD: “Pediatric Series: Pediatric Safety and Quality”
  • Courtney Tomblinson, MD: “Hands-on Introduction to Social Media: Advanced”
  • Reed Omary, MD, MS 
    • “The Role of Leadership: Creativity as an Antidote to Disengagement”
    •  “Building and Maintaining Relationships to Nurture and Sustain Your Career”
  • Jeff Carr, MD, MS 
    • “Automatic Prediction of Coronary Heart Disease Events Using Coronary and Thoracic Aorta Calcium among African Americans in the Jackson Heart Study”
    • “Role of Cardiovascular Imaging in Healthy Aging”

In addition, various professional organizations recognized faculty for their ongoing contributions to the field of radiology. Sandeep Arora, MBBS, was awarded RSNA’s Research Scholar Grant for his project, “Analyzing Immune Responses Generated by Transrectal and Transurethral Sono-Ablation of Prostat Cancer using Advanced Quantification Methods.” Daniel Gochberg, PhD, and Wellington Pham, PhD, received 2019 Distinguished Investigator Awards from the Academy for Radiology & Biomedical Imaging Research for their contributions to imaging science. And Lucy Spalluto, MD, was named president of the American Association for Women in Radiology

Kristin O’Grady, PhD, and second-year resident Hazel Asumu, MD, also participated in Introduction to Academic Radiology programs designed to prepare early career research faculty and residents for careers in academic radiology. 

“We had a tremendous turnout at RSNA this year,” said Reed Omary, MD, MS, Carol D. and Henry P. Professor and Chair, Department of Radiology. “I am proud of the accomplishments of our faculty and trainees, and they represented us well.” 

During the week, the Department of Radiology, with support from the Vanderbilt University Medical Alumni Association,also hosted its annual RSNA Reception at the Devereaux Lounge for nearly 75 current and former Vanderbilt Radiology faculty and trainees. 

“I look forward to this event each year,” said Stephanie Kurita, MD, Associate Professor of Clinical Radiology, and Director of Alumni Relations and Development. “There’s no better time to bring together current and former Vanderbilt Radiology colleagues for an evening of networking and fun, than during radiology’s largest annual meeting.” 

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