Lucy Spalluto Publishes Health Equity Piece in AJR

VUMC Radiology's Lucy Spalluto, MD, MPH, Associate Professor, Vice Chair of Health Equity, and Associate Director of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, was recently published in the American Journal of Roentgenology for her work with an article focused on providing radiologists with a "toolkit" of health equity strategies. 

"Practical Approaches to Advancing Health Equity in Radiology" was accepted for publication by the AJR in January. The article was a work between several physicians, medical students, and medical institutes, including Massachusetts General Hospital, the University of California, the University of Wisconsin, Stanford Radiology, and Universidad Central del Caribe School of Medicine (Puerto Rico). 

The authors state that radiologists are "uniquely positioned" to reduce inequalities in health care and help strengthen access to care in their practices.

"Health equity efforts provide an opportune window to transform radiology through personalized care delivery that is responsive to diverse patient needs," the authors say. "Guided by compassion and empathy as core principles of health equity, leveraging [this information] provides a helpful framework to advance health equity efforts as a step towards social justice in health."

The article was chosen from the AJR Special Series on DEI. To read the full article, visit AJR's website.