Radiology informatics Workgroup
If IMMEDIATE/EMERGENT clinical help is needed during critical/off-hours:
-You may page the Administration-Alarm Point HealthIT AOC on Synergy
For all other urgent issues:
-Call the Help Desk (615) 343-HELP off-campus or 3-HELP on-campus
-Teams that support Radiology that you may want to mention in your ticket:
- Radiant/eStar/Epic and PowerScribe: "ESTAR/RADIANT"
- SECTRA and advanced imaging apps (SyngoVia, Intellispace, Ambra): "IMAGING INFORMATICS"
- Workstations and integration: "HEALTHIT SPECIALTY APPLICATION SUPPORT"
-Please supply the Workstation ID (yellow tag)
-Please consider letting Lindsey Johnstone know - Teams, text, email, SECTRA chat, etc
For chronic/ongoing issues:
-Please report to your IT Champion section representative
-Please let Lindsey Johnstone know - Teams, text, email, SECTRA chat, etc