Residents on Call
Nuclear Medicine Physicians in Training (NMPITs) are on-call for nuclear medicine on a pager, one week at a time 24 hours/day, every three to six weeks. Call is taken one week at a time, from Monday through Sunday, and is shared with the attending staff. Holidays are alternated as fairly as possible. A Monday holiday is covered by the same MD covering that weekend.
- The NMPIT on call will physically be available to provide coverage to interpret VUH/VCH general nuclear medicine scans, cardiac scans, and PET/CT scans daily between 5 p.m. and 8 a.m. Monday through Friday, and 24 hours on weekends and holidays. After 5 p.m. Nuclear Cardiology coverage can and should be arranged with the cardiology fellow on the service in a collegial manner.
- Each on-call study interpreted by a NMPIT must be reviewed with an attending physician at the time of the study, especially brain flow studies, pediatric cases, and ED cases.
- The Nuclear Medicine faculty on call is always available to assist with problems and interpretations.