Radiology Grand Rounds | March 6, 2020

Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences Grand Rounds

"Equality Isn't Fair: Imaging and Imagining the Road to Health Equity"


Consuelo H. Wilkins, MD, MSCI

Consuelo H. Wilkins, MD, MSCI

Vice President for Health Equity, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Associate Dean for Health Equity, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Professor of Medicine, Division of Geriatric Medicine Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Executive Director, Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance
Nashville, Tennessee

March 6, 2020 | Noon to 1 p.m.

MCN CCC-1111

Watch the Presentation Here


This grand rounds lecture is designed for faculty, residents, staff and medical students. Learning objectives of this presentation include:

  • Discuss the historical, systemic, structural and sociocultural factors that drive inequities in health outcomes
  • Identify and analyze the effects of biases, unjust policies and practices in clinical scenarios, including imaging
  • Use newly learned strategies to prevent, identify and address health inquiries at the department and institutional levels


Consuelo H. Wilkins, MD, MSCI, is a geriatrician, clinical investigator and engagement scientist. She is Vice President for Health Equity at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Executive Director of the Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance. Dr. Wilkins is Associate Dean for Health Equity and a Professor of Medicine at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. As a Principal Investigator of the Vanderbilt Clinical and Translational Science Award, she oversees programs in community engagement, team science and special populations. Dr. Wilkins is also a Principal Investigator of two other NIH-funded centers, the Vanderbilt-Miami-Meharry Center of Excellence in Precision Medicine and Population Health, which focuses on decreasing disparities among African Americans and Latinos using precision medicine; and the Vanderbilt Recruitment Innovation Center, a national center dedicated to enhancing recruitment and retention in clinical trials. 

Dr. Wilkins has developed innovative approaches to engagement and has led comprehensive, multi-level stakeholder engagement efforts at the local and national level. She is currently Director of the Engagement Core of the All of Us Research Program, a national precision medicine initiative, which will enroll at least one million participants, and she leads engagement for the STAR Clinical Research Network. As Principal Investigator of a Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Methods Award on understanding and improving patient engagement in research, Dr. Wilkins led the development of a new tools to advance the science of engagement including the Person-Centeredness of Research Scale and a taxonomy of the impacts of engagement on research. Dr. Wilkins is also a Principal Investigator of a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation award –Engendering Trust in Health Care among African American Men.  

Prior to her current roles, she was an Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine, Division of Geriatrics, with secondary appointments in Psychiatry and Surgery (Public Health Sciences) at Washington University School of Medicine. There she served as founding director of the Center for Community Health and Partnerships in the Institute for Public Health and Co-Director of the Center for Community Engaged Research in the CTSA.

Dr. Wilkins earned a Bachelor of Science in microbiology and Doctor of Medicine from Howard University.  She completed a residency in Internal Medicine at Duke University Medical Center and a Geriatric Medicine fellowship at Washington University School of Medicine/Barnes-Jewish Hospital. Following her medical training, she earned a Master of Science in Clinical Investigation from Washington University School of Medicine.

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