On March 8, 2014, past and current residents of the Vanderbilt Radiology Residency Program gathered to honor their mentor on the eve of his retirement after 19 years as program director. Dr. Thomas S. Dina joined the faculty at Vanderbilt in 1994 and became program director in 1995; his impending retirement caps a 40-year career in neuroradiology. Over the span of his career at Vanderbilt, Dr. Dina has trained 165 residents and 32 fellows in neuroradiology.

When he announced his retirement last spring, an eager contingent of alumni decided to organize a gathering in Nashville to celebrate with Dr. Dina. Led by Dr. Kimberly Draud Rohmiller (class of 2003), the alumni arranged a weekend of reunion events. A Saturday morning gathering at the radiology department included a presentation by current residents to update alumni regarding exciting changes in the residency, followed by a departmental tour. The weekend's activities culminated in a fabulous evening of dinner and entertainment at the Sunset Grille. The event was attended by 109 guests, including over 49 alumni, 10 current residents, and 9 neuroradiology fellowship alumni. Every graduating class was represented since 1997, with some alumni traveling over 1000 miles to honor Dr. Dina.
To conclude the evening, the party gathered to share memories, tell funny anecdotes, and toast the man who has left an indelible imprint upon their careers as well as their lives. As numerous people rose to speak, a common theme became apparent: the feeling of family Dr. Dina and his wife Sally have created within the residency. It is this supportive and caring environment that has made Vanderbilt Radiology such a special experience. Residents repeatedly reflected fondly upon weddings, “Souper” Parties, and Thanksgiving dinners shared with the Dina family. "It was powerful to see this group of alumni all gathered in one place to celebrate with their mentor," said current second year resident Allison Johnsen. "Dr. Dina has impacted so many lives. It was truly an honor to be a part of this event, as it has been an honor to get to know Dr. Dina professionally and personally."

When asked what the event meant to him, Dr. Dina replied, "The one word that jumps out is 'overwhelmed' -- mainly in the turnout, in the people that came. It brought back endless memories of so many people whom I knew so well, and Sally did too. Beyond my wildest dreams, I couldn't think of a better way to step down. Almost half the graduates came; that's incredible!"
The end of the evening held a special surprise for Dr. Dina. Each year, an award from the department is given to a “model resident,” one that embodies the qualities of dedication and caring exhibited by Dr. Dina. Dr. Hai Nguyen (class of 2002) concluded the event by announcing the award will now commemorate Dr. Dina’s enduring impact on resident education at Vanderbilt. During his speech to the gathered alumni, Dr. Nguyen remarked, “The day that Dr. Dina chose us to come to Vanderbilt changed our lives.” It is this common sentiment that compelled so many current and former residents to celebrate this wonderful man and his lasting legacy.
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