Mississippi AETC
The Medical Center's missions are to improve the lives of Mississippians by educating tomorrow's health-care professionals, by conducting health sciences research, and by providing cutting-edge patient care. A major goal of the Medical Center is the elimination of differences in health status of Mississippians based on race, geography, income or social status.
University of Mississippi Medical Center
2500 N. State Street
Jackson, MS 39216
phone: (601) 984-5542
fax: (601) 984-5777
Staff Contact Information
Leandro A. Mena, MD, MPH
Principal Investigator, Associate Professor of Medicine
email: lmena@umc.edu
Mauda L. Monger, MPH
Health Education Director
email: mmonger@umc.edu
phone: (601) 984-5552
fax: (601) 984-5777
Johnlyn Clark, MHSA
Program Administrator
email: jmclark2@umc.edu
phone: (601) 984-2479
fax: (601) 984-5777