Preproposal Survey is for faculty that may already have a clinical research idea but want help formalizing a research study.
Concept Paper Template is used for investigators interested in further developing a clinical question into a full research proposal.
Capacity Audit can help determine the FTE requirements, budgeting needs, and scope of work for your research extender. We can help determine if you would benefit from a SOCKs research fellow, and what oversight we can provide.
Investigator Research Tracking Sheet
Manuscript Analysis Request Form (MARF) can be submitted for an active study in any stage. The MARF allows our team and the investigator to guide statistical analysis as well as editing, formatting, and submission of the manuscript.
Multi-Year Grant Budget Spread Sheet
Single Year Grant Budget Spread Sheet
Submission of Manuscripts to journals and conferences. Please refer to the Manuscript Submission Checklist to ensure that all needed information is provided.
Letter of Support
For our surgeon scientists seeking extramural funding, submission of a 'Letter of Support' from the SOCKs department can help establish confidence with funding organizations, showing you have access to resources necessary in order to facilitate your awarded research.
International+Year out Research Fellowships
VU Undergrad Research Course Credit