
SWERV can provide high quality, creative, and effective slide decks and poster designs for presentations, classes, and conferences. SWERV aims to develop content that is easily understood through strong organization, incorporation of easily-digestibly text, and engaging visual representations of the data.

We can design your presentation from scratch, develop slide or poster content based on guided topics, or rework an existing slide decks. In addition to developing visually engaging slides, we will correct language, grammar, syntax, and typographic errors throughout your presentation. We ensure the organization of information and data presented creates fluid transitions between topics to keep your audience engaged. Powerpoints and posters can be tailored for presentations ranging from the general public to a field-specific group of scientists.

Services include:

  • Slide deck development and refinement
  • Poster presentations
  • Chalk talk development and preparation
  • Scientific brochures and pamphlets
  • Infographics and graphical abstracts 


We can provide examples of posters or slide decks upon request.