World TB Day 2018 event at Metro Nashville Public Health Department
March 26, 2018
The Metro Nashville Public Health Department organized a wonderful event for World TB Day on Friday, March 23, 2018. The event featured talks on the history of TB in Nashville and current epidemiology, connecting health equity and TB, and how to better serve Nashville's refugee community. At the close of the event, a short film, "Tubercules!" was premiered, highlighting the Metro Nashville TB Clinic staff and their tireless efforts to end TB in Nashville.
Thanks for hosting us and for a fun and informative day!
Yuri van der Heijden presents IWHOD abstract on matching drug-resistance laboratory results in South Africa
March 21, 2018
Yuri van der Heijden, MD, MPH, will present an abstract at the 22nd International Workshop on HIV and Hepatitis Observational Databases (IWHOD) March 22-24, 2018, titled "Differences in ascertainment of tuberculosis resistance according to four patient-matching strategies using programmatic laboratory data in South Africa".
Heather Ewing presents MPH Thesis on TB and Stigma
March 5, 2018
Heather Ewing, MA(c), MPH(c), presented her MPH thesis on Friday, March 2, titled "Knowledge of Tuberculosis is Associated with Greater Expression of Stigma in Brazil". This project stemmed from a Vanderbilt Trans-Institutional Program grant (TIPs), which focused on healthcare in Brazil.
Dr. Paul Farmer visits Vanderbilt University Medical Center
February 22, 2018
On Monday, February 19, 2018, Paul Farmer, M.D., Ph.D., of Partners in Health (PIH), spent the day at Vanderbilt lecturing and meeting with faculty, staff and students. Members of the Division of Infectious Diseases were fortunate enough to meet with Dr. Farmer in a small group setting, discussing our current global projects as well as fellows and residents research. It was great to hear his perspectives on our ongoing work and inspiring to meet with such a leader in the field of global health.
AIDS-defining events increase mortality risk, study led by April Pettit
February 15, 2018
This article was published in the Research News @ Vanderbilt online blog.
Original publication:
"When they occur among people living with HIV, certain cancers and opportunistic infections are considered by health authorities as AIDS-defining events, or ADEs.
January TB Center Meeting, presentations from Stephanie Pearlman and Jason Cummins
January 19, 2018
Thanks to all who braved the cold temperatures to join our January TB Center Meeting on Wednesday, January 17th!
Results Published: Randomized Trial for Self-administered vs DOT Once-Weekly Isoniazid and Rifapentine Treatment of Latent TB Infection
November 8, 2017
Results from the iAdhere trial conducted through the TB Trials Consortium have been published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. This randomized trial aimed to compare treatment completion and safety of once-weekly isoniazid and rifapentine by self-administration versus direct observation. Enrollment sites were located in the US, Spain, Hong Kong, and South Africa; Vanderbilt and the Metro Nashville Health Department participated in enrollment.
New D43 Training Grant Funded for HIV-related Tuberculosis
October 31, 2017
Congratulations to Graeme Meintjes at University of Cape Town on a newly funded D43 training grant from the Fogarty International Center (FIC) titled "HIV-Associated Tuberculosis Training Program (HATTP)". VUMC is excited to be a US partner site for this training grant, along with Johns Hopkins University.
Charles Daley presents Medicine Grand Rounds on nontuberculous mycobacteria
October 19, 2017
Charles L. Daley, MD, Chief of the Division of Mycobacterial and Respiratory Infections at National Jewish Health in Denver, CO, presented Medicine Grand Rounds today. His talk was sponsored by the M. Glenn Koenig, Visiting Professorship in Infectious Diseases, hosted by the Division of Infectious Disease. During his talk, "Nontuberculous Mycobacteria: What's in a name?", he described the many species of mycobacteria and how they affect disease progression.
Successful RePORT-International Annual Meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
September 15, 2017
The Regional Prospective Observational Research for Tuberculosis (RePORT)- International Annual Meeting was held Tuesday, September 12 through Wednesday, September 13, 2017 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. RePORT-International is now composed of 5 regions: Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, and South Africa.
Chris Fiske and Spyros Kalams present ID Grand Rounds on Immunology of TB
September 8, 2017
Chris Fiske, MD, MPH and Spyros Kalams, MD, presented at ID Grand Rounds on Thursday, September 7th. Dr. Fiske presented her work on the host immune response to M.tuberculosis, including a focus on patients with extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Dr. Kalams presented on the immunology of tuberculosis and an ongoing study funded by the NIH and CNPq in Brazil which is attempting to identify an immune signature that predicts active TB disease.
August TB Center Meeting: TB Center Turns 5! Presentations from Heather Ewing and Tim Sterling
August 25, 2017
The Vanderbilt Tuberculosis Center turns 5 this year and a celebratory meeting was hosted on August 23rd, 2017. First we heard from Heather Ewing, MPH/MA candidate, who discussed updates from the TIPS (Trans-Institutional Programs) grant on social determinants of health in Brazil.