On the CUSP of Discovery
The overarching goal of translational research is to improve patient care, and reaching that goal begins and ends with our patients. In 2022, we established the Contemporary Uro-oncologic Specimen Protocol (CUSP), through which patients can help ensure improved medical care for future patients while receiving the highest level of urologic care themselves.
Through the CUSP program, patients can choose to provide a small sample of blood and urine during the course of their care. These samples will then be used in the discovery and development of novel cancer detection tests through our VUMC-UM Biomarker Characterization Center, a program funded by the National Cancer Institute – Early Detection Research Network.
We have been grateful to find that nearly all of our patients are eager to contribute to improving cancer care into the future, but participation in CUSP is completely voluntary and will not impact your care in any way.
If you are interested in learning more about participating in CUSP, please contact the study coordinator, Janene Pierce (janene.pierce@vumc.org).
To see one example of how CUSP and similar programs have already made a positive impact on patient care, we encourage you to read about our efforts to develop Next-Generation Screening for Prostate Cancer.