Trainee Spotlight: March 2025

Trainee Spotlight

March 2025

Amanda Sherman, MD

How has your transition from Boston residency to Vandy fellowship been?

All in all, it has been pretty seamless.  There are always some growing pains as you get used to how a new system works but everyone was really kind in helping me through those. There is a much bigger difference in the pace of things outside of the hospital between Boston and Nashville though, and people in the South are much more outgoing / friendly when you are in stores and such. 

How are you liking Nashville and what is your favorite part about it?

Nashville has been a great place to live so far. Lots to do but not an enormous or unmanageable city! 

When you're not operating 4-5 days a week, what do you do for fun??

Walking is probably my favorite hobby, even just around my neighborhood. On the snow days we had it was so beautiful and quiet out and a different experience in the city. I also like going out and listening to music, and keeping houseplants.

You recently acquired a new roommate! Can you tell us more about Wally?

Wally is an 11yo schnauzer mix that I adopted in January! He has had a few really hard months (his owner died while he was in boarding and one of his brothers died during that time too) and now just gets to lounge and be loved on. He is very much still in the settling in phase, but every now and then his personality shines fully through. My favorite thing about him is how he wipes his beard after each meal! 

Would you recommend your fellowship to future residents?


Rapid Fire! Name your ...

Favorite Nashville restaurant: Sit down- Fonda (elevated Mexican) Take out- Degthai (credit goes to Amir for introducing me)
Favourite surgical case: AUS
Last TV show you watched: Severance
Next travel destination?: Italy

Interviewed by Karla Rebullar, MD
