Simulation Conferences (Journal Club) Academic Calendar
Residency - Program Overview - Our Faculty - Current and Former Residents - Residency Video Library - How to Apply
12/2 - Peds Indications conference- Galloway 12/2 - Journal Club - Kaufman, "Classic Articles in Urology"12/3 - Peds Journal Club- C Adams12/4 - Peds Uro Research Meeting 12/4 - Urogyn Conference- Anorectal physiology and fecal incontinence: Dr. McAbee12/6 - VUMC QPMMI (No Urology Grand Rounds)12/9 - Applicant Welcome Night & Resident Happy Hour12/10 - Resident Interviews Day 312/11 - Peds Cambell's Club- Frainey/Stout12/13 - Urology Grand Rounds: MMI 12/13 - DRE- Resident Rank List Meeting12/16 - Peds Difficult Case Conference- Frainey 12/17 - Residency Match Rank List Meeting12/18 - Urogyn Conference- Recurrent UTI guidelines: 2nd Year Uro12/20 - Urology Grand Rounds- Population Health Initiatives: Stimson & Talwar12/20 - DRE: Resident Check-In