Translating the VFS

We are excited to collaborate with researchers, and other stakeholders, to make the VFS's freely available in multiple languages. We ask that any group interested in translating the scales work with us on that process to ensure that the quality of any translations are consistent and to reduce the likelihood of multiple versions of the same language being created. To ensure the consistency and quality of any translations we ask that collaborators follow the guidelines recommended by Hall et al. 2018.

  • To start the process, we recommend you first ensure that the scale has not already been translated into the language of interest or see if there is an ongoing collaboration to do so. See the Translating the VFS page for a list of completed and ongoing collaborations. If the scale has not been, or is not in the process of being, translated, then we please review the guidelines described in Hall et al. 2018 to determine if the recommended translation process is feasible for your organization.

    If the process seems feasible and you wish to pursue a collaboration, please review and sign the Permission request and declaration form and email the completed form to Dr. Ben Hornsby ( to start the process. You may also contact him directly should you have any questions about the process. 

    In addition, to maintain consistency and quality across projects we ask that collaborators document the translation process using the Reconciliation Report forms provided below (these are modified versions of the Reconciliation Report template created by Hall et al., 2018).

    VFS-All Scales-Reconciliation Report Templates (Contains templates for VFS-Adult scales & VFS-Peds)

    VFS-Adults-Reconciliation Report Templates (Contains templates for VFS-Adult scales)

    VFS-Peds-Reconciliation Report Templates (Contains templates for VFS-Peds)

    These forms provide a framework for documenting the translation process as described in Hall et al (2018). They also contain concept definitions for VFS test items that our group created. These concept definitions may be useful during the translation process should there be any question regarding the original intent of a scale item.

    For transparency, once the translated version is completed and posted, we will make the report available on this website to interested parties.  Finally, upon completion, we ask that an electronic copy of the translated scales be made available for posting on this website (see the "Scales and User Guide" tab). 

    There are no financial costs for collaborating with us on the translation, rather it is our attempt to maintain some quality control over the scales and to ensure that any derivative works (i.e., translations) are not used for financial gain. It is our intent that any translation of the VFSs be made freely available for clinical and research use.

  • Arabic (Adult Scales- in progress)

    Chinese/Taiwanese Mandarin (Adult Scales- in progress)

    Finnish (Adult & Child Scales- in progress)

    French (Child Scales- in progress)

    Indian (Malayalam version; Adult & Child Scales- in progress)

    • Primary contact: Indira C P. -
      • Dept. of POCD, All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysuru, India

    Japanese (Adult & Child Scales- in progress)

    Persian (Farsi version; Adult- VFS-A-10- in progress)

    • Primary contact: - Ahmad Geshani-
      • Audiology Department, Faculty of Rehabilitation, TUMS, IRI

    Portuguese (Brazilian version; Adult Scales- in progress)

    Swedish (Adult & Child Scales- in progress)

    • Adult Scales
      • Sofie Fredriksson, PhD -
        • Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, and Region Västra Götaland, Habilitation & Health, Hearing Organisation Gothenburg, Sweden
    • Child Scales