NIA Alzheimer's Disease Research Center


In August 2020, the Vanderbilt Memory and Alzheimer’s Center was awarded a 3-year, $3.8M grant from the National Institute on Aging (NIA) to establish an NIA-funded exploratory (P20-AG068082) Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC) at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Vanderbilt University. The P20 Center supports planning and infrastructure development for an eventual NIA-funded P30 ADRC designation for Vanderbilt. 
The P20 Center is directed by Dr. Angela Jefferson, Herbert O. and Vineta Christopher Director in Alzheimer's Disease, Professor of Neurology, and Director of the Vanderbilt Memory and Alzheimer’s Center. The overall goal of the Center is to characterize the pathways through which vascular risk and disease intersect with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia pathogenesis, progression, and clinical manifestation at the societal, systems biological, and cellular levels. Modification of vascular risk and disease has demonstrated efficacy in improving Alzheimer’s outcomes and is a leading target for drug discovery, early intervention and disease prevention.

What is an Alzheimer's Disease Research Center?

The NIA funds 33 ADRCs at major medical institutions across the United States. Investigators at these Centers are working to translate research advances into improved diagnosis and care for people with Alzheimer's disease, as well as working to find a treatment or way to prevent Alzheimer's and other types of dementia.

In addition, the NIA funds four Exploratory ADRCs, including the Vanderbilt ADRC, that are designed to expand research and education opportunities to new areas of the country, new populations, and new areas of science and approaches to research.