Training Opportunities
Training Opportunities
The Vanderbilt Memory and Alzheimer’s Center is committed to training the next generation of professionals to conduct innovative research on memory and Alzheimer's disease and provide unparalleled care to patients and their families.
If you would like to train with any one of the Vanderbilt Memory and Alzheimer’s Center faculty or if you are interested in joining our team, please contact us at
Vanderbilt Interdisciplinary T32 Training Program in Alzheimer’s Disease
The NIA-funded T32 training program supports PhD students and postdoctoral fellows who participate in interdisciplinary learning experiences and develop cutting-edge knowledge and skills to support discovery. Undergraduate students, medical students, PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and early career faculty all contribute to the learning community established by this T32 grant. Learn more about the program.
The Vanderbilt Memory and Alzheimer’s Center Neuropsychology Post-Doctoral Fellowship is based within the Department of Neurology at Vanderbilt University and provides specialized training in clinical neuropsychology and cognitive aging.
It is intended for individuals who have completed all requirements from an APA/CPA-accredited psychology doctoral program and will complete a doctoral-level internship emphasizing neuropsychology who wishes to develop an academic career that emphasizes a balance of clinical service and clinical research. Learn more about the program.
Professional Development
Fostering a rich training environment for the next generation of scientists and clinicians is core to our mission at the Vanderbilt Memory and Alzheimer's Center.
This didactic opportunity is a cornerstone of our T32 program and provides a truly interdisciplinary setting for trainees to review the latest Alzheimer's disease and related dementia literature with faculty experts. The journal club is open to all Vanderbilt faculty and trainees. If you or your trainees would be interested in presenting at an upcoming meeting, please email Elena Griffo at
During the academic year, the Vanderbilt Memory and Alzheimer’s Center hosts a guest lecture series where thought leaders in the field are invited to present to the Vanderbilt community. Lecture attendees are eligible for one American Medical Association PRA Category 1 continuing medical education credit or one American Psychological Association approved Level 1 continuing education credit.
This annual academic event brings together faculty and trainees across the Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Vanderbilt University and Meharry Medical College campus to share their high-impact work and learn the latest about Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. Learn more about the annual event and past highlights here.
Vanderbilt Memory and Alzheimer’s Center
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
3319 West End Avenue, 8th Floor
Nashville, TN 37203