Metabolic Adaptations During and Co-Infection.


Successful pathogens require metabolic flexibility to adapt to diverse host niches. The presence of co-infecting or commensal microorganisms at a given infection site can further influence the metabolic processes required for a pathogen to cause disease. The Gram-positive bacterium and the polymorphic fungus are microorganisms that asymptomatically colonize healthy individuals but can also cause superficial infections or severe invasive disease. Due to many shared host niches, and are frequently co-isolated from mixed fungal-bacterial infections. and co-infection alters microbial metabolism relative to infection with either organism alone. Metabolic changes during co-infection regulate virulence, such as enhancing toxin production in or contributing to morphogenesis and cell wall remodeling in . and also form polymicrobial biofilms, which have greater biomass and reduced susceptibility to antimicrobials relative to mono-microbial biofilms. The and metabolic programs induced during co-infection impact interactions with host immune cells, resulting in greater microbial survival and immune evasion. Conversely, innate immune cell sensing of and triggers metabolic changes in the host cells that result in an altered immune response to secondary infections. In this review article, we discuss the metabolic programs that govern host-pathogen interactions during and co-infection. Understanding interactions may highlight more general principles of how polymicrobial interactions, particularly fungal-bacterial interactions, shape the outcome of infectious disease. We focus on how co-infection alters microbial metabolism to enhance virulence and how infection-induced changes to host cell metabolism can impact a secondary infection.